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Development of cod farming in Norway: Past and current biological and market status and future prospects and directions
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12599
Velmurugu Puvanendran 1, 2 , Atle Mortensen 1, 2 , Lill‐Heidi Johansen 3 , Anne Kettunen 4 , Øyvind J. Hansen 1, 2 , Edgar Henriksen 5 , Morten Heide 6

Atlantic cod is a historically abundant species in the North Atlantic region and has contributed to the prosperity of many nations. But a decline in stocks in the last century has prompted to initiate commercial farming of cod in captive conditions. Several approaches have been employed ranging from stock enhancement, capture-based aquaculture and intensive cod farming. However, except for the enhancement efforts which were carried out for almost a century, efforts on other methods were intermittent coinciding with lower quotas. Intensive farming was attempted in Norway, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Iceland and Faroe Islands in the 2000s. But it was carried out hastily to cash in the demand for cod in the market even though there were many biological knowledge gaps that are required for a successful aquaculture venture. The reasons for the failure of commercial farming in Norway during the 2000s were not only because of limited knowledge of the biology of cod but also the economic meltdown in Europe in 2008. Cod farming came to a halt; however, the Norwegian National Cod Breeding Program (NCBP) initiated in 2003 continued to operate and produced a fifth generation of a domesticated cod in 2019. Efforts to fill the gaps and the selective breeding for better growth and disease resistance within NCBP have improved the quality of the juveniles produced. We will discuss the past efforts and reasons for failure in farming of cod, how the current situation looks and the future direction in terms of cod biology, political atmosphere and market.



大西洋鳕鱼是北大西洋地区历史上丰富的物种,为许多国家的繁荣做出了贡献。但是上个世纪库存的下降促使人们开始在圈养条件下进行鳕鱼的商业养殖。已经采用了几种方法,包括资源增加、基于捕捞的水产养殖和集约化鳕鱼养殖。然而,除了进行了近一个世纪的增强努力外,其他方法的努力与配额的降低是间歇性的。2000 年代,挪威、苏格兰、爱尔兰、加拿大、冰岛和法罗群岛尝试了集约化农业。但是,尽管成功的水产养殖企业需要许多生物学知识差距,但它还是仓促地兑现了市场对鳕鱼的需求。2000 年代挪威商业化养殖失败的原因不仅在于对鳕鱼生物学的了解有限,还在于 2008 年欧洲的经济崩溃。然而,2003 年启动的挪威国家鳕鱼育种计划 (NCBP) 继续运作,并于 2019 年生产了第五代驯化鳕鱼。NCBP 努力填补空白并进行选择性育种以提高生长和抗病性,提高了质量产生的少年。我们将从鳕鱼生物学、政治氛围和市场等方面讨论过去在鳕鱼养殖方面的努力和失败的原因、现状以及未来的方向。