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A palaeoenvironmental study of uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic successions in high-pressure/high-temperature (HPHT) wells from the Central North Sea, UK
Marine and Petroleum Geology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105249
Manuel Vieira 1 , David Jolley 2 , David Shaw 3

High-pressure/high-temperature wells are traditionally very challenging for biostratigraphical analyses. The temperatures achieved cause the organic matter to become highly mature and palynomorphs are altered, to an extent that can make identification extremely challenging. This study compares two wells and shows that the type of drilling bit and the control of drilling parameters can have a positive impact in the palynology recovery. Both wells are studied for palynology and the well with the best drilling parameters yielded generally good recovery, and although the palynomorphs also exhibit a high thermal maturity, it was possible to confidently identify enough palynomorphs to define the age of the penetrated sediments.

The biostratigraphy study reveals a Rhaetian – Early Toarcian dataset from a complete stratigraphic succession that wasn't previously recorded in the Central North Sea. A lithostratigraphic unit is yet to be defined to characterise the sediments interpreted in this paper. The ecological analyses, using statistical methods, assessed the temporal and spatial variations in vegetation and palaeoenvironments. They focused on the Early Jurassic and indicate that during this time the landscape was diverse with a variety of habitats occupied by terrestrial plants dominated primarily by swamp and xerophyte types living near the coastal area.


英国北海中部高压/高温 (HPHT) 井中三叠纪至下侏罗统上层层序的古环境研究


生物地层学研究揭示了一个完整的地层序列中的雷蒂亚 - 早期托阿尔阶数据集,该数据集之前未在北海中部记录。尚未定义岩石地层单位来表征本文中解释的沉积物。生态分析使用统计方法评估植被和古环境的时空变化。他们专注于早侏罗世,并指出在此期间景观多种多样,各种栖息地被陆生植物占据,主要是生活在沿海地区的沼泽和旱生植物类型。
