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Schooling's Relative Nonautonomy: Technocratically Subordinated Schooling and Desublimated Education
Educational Theory ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1111/edth.12468
Matthew J. Hayden 1 , William Gregory Harman 2

Education's autonomy cannot be found in schooling. For a theory of education to also adequately support education's autonomy, it must decouple itself from schooling since schooling is a technology of efficiency and acculturation that serves technocratic interests that strip autonomy from education. Using Christer Fritzell's examination of relative autonomy of schools, Matthew Hayden and William Gregory Harman will show that the ideological domination of schooling by technocratic interests structurally and functionally subordinates schooling. This subordination takes the form of technocratic operationalization of education concepts and schooling practices, resulting in the desublimation of learning. Hayden and Harman conclude that resublimation is required in order to restore the possibility of education's autonomy in schooling.



在学校教育中找不到教育的自主性。为了使教育理论也充分支持教育的自主性,它必须与学校教育脱钩,因为学校教育是一种效率和文化适应的技术,服务于剥夺教育自主权的技术官僚利益。马修·海登 (Matthew Hayden) 和威廉·格雷戈里·哈曼 (William Gregory Harman) 将利用克里斯特·弗里泽尔 (Christer Fritzell) 对学校相对自治的研究,表明技术官僚利益对学校教育的意识形态支配在结构上和功能上从属于学校教育。这种从属以教育概念和学校教育实践的技术官僚操作化的形式出现,导致学习的升华。海登和哈曼得出结论,需要重新升华,以恢复教育在学校教育中自主的可能性。