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Sago Versus Rice and the Reorganisation of Ritual Spacetime: Competing Modes of Dependency in an Age of Decentralisation in Asmat, Indonesian Papua
Oceania ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5306
Tom Powell Davies 1

Asmat social worlds are permeated with multiple forms of dependency. In this paper, I ask how different modalities of dependency inter-relate within the space and time of Asmat life, and how this is being reshaped by Asmat's increasing incorporation within broader structural orders during a period of national decentralisation. First, I describe how relations of dependency shape everyday life, through a discussion of the time and space of quotidian food distribution and concomitant claim-making. Then, I outline how forms of inter-clan interdependency innovate on the above pattern during ritual feasting, which generates remarkable social co-presence through ritualised interdependent work. Finally, I explore how feasting interdependence, and its organisation in space and time, is being warped by ‘The Allocation of Village Funds’ (‘Alokasi Dana Desa’), a decentralised government grant. I do so via a case study of a ritual feast house construction project, in which Asmat villagers attempted to reckon with new forms of dependency typified, in indigenous discourse, by the distinction between ‘sago’ and ‘rice’ as local versus introduced staple foods associated with contrasting regimes of action. At stake here, in the collision between indigenous and newly emergent modes of dependency, is the viability of socially valuable modes of ritual life, which, in an age of decentralisation, are becoming shaped by and reliant on new types of forces outside of the community's own labour and control.



Asmat 社会世界充满了多种形式的依赖。在本文中,我询问不同的依存模式如何在阿斯马特生活的空间和时间中相互关联,以及在国家权力下放期间阿斯马特越来越多地融入更广泛的结构秩序中,如何重塑这种关系。首先,我通过讨论日常食物分配的时间和空间以及随之而来的声明来描述依赖性关系如何塑造日常生活。然后,我概述了宗族间相互依存的形式如何在仪式盛宴中创新上述模式,通过仪式化的相互依存工作产生显着的社会共存。最后,我探讨了盛宴的相互依存及其在空间和时间上的组织是如何被“村庄资金分配”('Alokasi Dana Desa '),一项分散的政府拨款。我通过一个仪式宴会屋建设项目的案例研究来做到这一点,在该项目中,阿斯马特村民试图考虑新的依赖形式,在土著话语中,“西米”和“大米”作为本地主食与外来主食之间的区别与相反的行动制度有关。在本土和新出现的依赖模式之间的冲突中,这里的关键在于具有社会价值的仪式生活模式的可行性,在一个权力下放的时代,这些模式正在被社区之外的新型力量塑造和依赖。自己的劳动和控制。