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Neutrophils in pregnancy: New insights into innate and adaptive immune regulation
Immunology ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1111/imm.13392
Serena Bert 1 , Eleanor J Ward 1 , Suchita Nadkarni 1

The immunology of pregnancy has been the focus of many studies to better understand how the mother is able to tolerate the presence of a semi-allogeneic fetus. Far from the initial view of pregnancy as a state of immunosuppression, successful fetal development from implantation to birth is now known to be under the control of an intricate balance of immune cells. The balance between pro-inflammatory functions used to promote embryo implantation and placental development and immunosuppressive activity to maintain maternal tolerance of the fetus is an immunological phenotype unique to pregnancy, which is dependent on the time of gestation. Neutrophils are one of a host of innate immune cells detected at the maternal–fetal interface, but very little is known of their function. In this review, we explore the emerging functions of neutrophils during pregnancy and their interactions with and regulation of T cells, a key adaptive immune cell population essential for the establishment of fetal–maternal tolerance.



妊娠免疫学一直是许多研究的焦点,以更好地了解母亲如何能够耐受半同种异体胎儿的存在。与最初将怀孕视为一种免疫抑制状态的观点不同,现在已知胎儿从着床到出生的成功发育受到免疫细胞复杂平衡的控制。用于促进胚胎着床和胎盘发育的促炎功能与维持母体对胎儿耐受性的免疫抑制活性之间的平衡是妊娠特有的免疫表型,其取决于妊娠时间。中性粒细胞是在母胎界面检测到的众多先天免疫细胞之一,但对其功能知之甚少。在这篇综述中,我们探讨了妊娠期间中性粒细胞的新功能及其与 T 细胞的相互作用和调节,T 细胞是建立胎儿-母体耐受性所必需的关键适应性免疫细胞群。