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Fig development in two Neotropical Ficus species, Ficus (subg. Pharmacosycea) yoponensis and Ficus (subg. Spherosuke) colubrinae: comparing rainforest and pasture trees
Botany ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2020-0139
Juan Alberto Cervantes-Pasqualli 1 , Javier Laborde 2

Botany, Ahead of Print.
In the fragmented landscape of Los Tuxtlas, adult fig trees are found in both rainforest remnants and in pastures. Syconium (fig) development is known to vary between and within Ficus species, but it is not known whether it differs between rainforest and pasture trees. Here, we describe syconium development for two Ficus species with different life forms (free-standing and hemi-epiphytic) in two contrasting, adjacent habitats: an undisturbed rainforest and active pastures. Over three months, we monitored 15 reproductive events in Ficus (subg. Pharmacosycea) yoponensis Desv. and Ficus (subg. Spherosuke) colubrinae Standl., collecting and dissecting syconia every 3–4 days (1291 and 815 syconia per species, respectively). External and internal structural changes in the syconia are described, including foundress occurrence and the maximum duration of the receptive phase while waiting for pollinators. The duration of both the reproductive events (<8 weeks) and the developmental phases in the two species did not differ between rainforest and pasture trees and are within the lower range of time reported for other Ficus species. After pollinator exclusion, the receptive phase lasted up to four times its normal duration. Syconia were slightly larger in rainforest trees than in pasture trees, and the infestation of F. yoponensis syconia by non-pollinating insects was higher in rainforest trees.


两种新热带无花果树种的无花果发育,无花果(亚种) yoponensis 和 Ficus(亚种。Spherosuke)colubrinae:比较雨林和牧场树

在 Los Tuxtlas 破碎的景观中,在雨林遗迹和牧场中都发现了成年无花果树。已知无花果(无花果)的发育在榕树种之间和内部有所不同,但不知道雨林和牧草树之间是否存在差异。在这里,我们描述了两种具有不同生命形式(独立和半附生)的榕树在两个对比鲜明的相邻栖息地的 syconium 发育:未受干扰的热带雨林和活跃的牧场。在三个多月的时间里,我们监测了榕树(药科亚目)yoponensis Desv 的 15 次生殖事件。和 Ficus (subg. Spherosuke) colubrinae Standl.,每 3-4 天收集和解剖 syconia(每个物种分别为 1291 和 815 个 syconia)。描述了 syconia 的外部和内部结构变化,包括创始者出现和等待传粉者时接受阶段的最长持续时间。两个物种的繁殖事件(<8 周)和发育阶段的持续时间在热带雨林和牧场树木之间没有差异,并且在其他榕树物种报告的较低时间范围内。传粉媒介排除后,接受阶段持续了正常持续时间的四倍。热带雨林树木中的凤仙花略大于牧草树木,雨林树木中的非授粉昆虫对约波松的侵染率更高。8 周),两个物种的发育阶段在雨林和牧场树木之间没有差异,并且在其他榕树物种报告的较低时间范围内。传粉媒介排除后,接受阶段持续了正常持续时间的四倍。热带雨林树木中的凤仙花略大于牧草树木,雨林树木中的非授粉昆虫对约波松的侵染率更高。8 周),两个物种的发育阶段在雨林和牧场树木之间没有差异,并且在其他榕树物种报告的较低时间范围内。传粉媒介排除后,接受阶段持续了正常持续时间的四倍。热带雨林树木中的凤仙花略大于牧草树木,雨林树木中非授粉昆虫对约波松的侵染率更高。