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Community perceptions of co-managing Tajik National Park
Central Asian Survey ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1080/02634937.2021.1942787
Qobiljon Shokirov 1 , Norman Backhaus 1, 2 , Jennifer Bartmess 1, 2


Tajik National Park struggles with overgrazing, illegal hunting and ill-managed tourism. The designation of the park as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013 was meant to ease some of these struggles, but improvements are thus far difficult to identify. We conducted a case study to understand how local people perceive and interact with the park to probe how these struggles could be mitigated. Interviewees and participants proposed solutions that revolved around the concept of co-management, which we consider as a way to alleviate challenges the park faces today, especially in terms of nature conservation and livelihoods for communities affected by the park. We conclude that engaged community members are willing to help the park improve its management by co-producing knowledge and adapting to social–ecological change if certain conditions, such as improving trust and making trade-offs, are met.




塔吉克国家公园面临过度放牧、非法狩猎和旅游业管理不善的问题。2013 年将该公园指定为联合国教科文组织世界遗产地是为了缓解其中的一些困难,但迄今为止难以确定改进之处。我们进行了一项案例研究,以了解当地人如何看待公园并与公园互动,以探讨如何减轻这些困难。受访者和参与者提出了围绕共同管理概念的解决方案,我们认为这是缓解公园今天面临的挑战的一种方式,尤其是在自然保护和受公园影响社区的生计方面。我们的结论是,参与的社区成员愿意通过共同生产知识和适应社会生态变化来帮助公园改善管理,如果某些条件,
