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Implications of a Non-zero Poynting Flux at Infinity Sans Radiation Reaction for a Uniformly Accelerated Charge
Foundations of Physics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10701-021-00486-1
Ashok K. Singal 1

We investigate in detail the electromagnetic fields of a uniformly accelerated charge, in order to ascertain whether such a charge does ‘emit’ radiation, especially in view of the Poynting flow computed at large distances and taken as an evidence of radiation emitted by the charge. In this context, certain important aspects of the fields need to be taken into account. First and foremost is the fact that in the case of a uniformly accelerated charge, one cannot ignore the velocity fields. This then leads to other equally vital points. The net field energy turns out to be exactly the same as that of a non-accelerated charge having a uniform velocity equal to the instantaneous velocity of the uniformly accelerated charge. Further, the Poynting vector, seen with respect to the ’present’ location of the uniformly accelerated charge, during the deceleration phase, possesses everywhere a radial component pointing inward toward the charge, becoming nil when the charge becomes momentarily stationary, and during the acceleration phase, points away from the charge position. Last, but not least, when the leading spherical front of the relativistically beamed Poynting flux, advances forward at a large time t to a far-off distance \(r=ct\), the charge too is not lagging far behind. In fact, these relativistically beamed fields, increasingly resemble fields of a charge moving in an inertial frame with a uniform velocity \(v_0\), with a convective flow of fields in that frame along with the movement of the charge. There is no other Poynting flow in the far-zones that could be termed as radiation emitted by the charge which, in turn, is fully consistent with the absence of radiation reaction and is also fully conversant with the strong principle of equivalence.



我们详细研究了均匀加速电荷的电磁场,以确定这种电荷是否会“发射”辐射,特别是考虑到在远距离计算的坡印廷流并将其作为电荷发射辐射的证据。在这种情况下,需要考虑这些领域的某些重要方面。首先也是最重要的事实是,在均匀加速电荷的情况下,人们不能忽略速度场。这然后导致其他同样重要的点。结果证明,净场能与匀速等于匀加速电荷瞬时速度的非加速电荷完全相同。此外,从均匀加速电荷的“当前”位置来看,坡印廷矢量,向内朝向电荷,当电荷暂时静止时变为零,在加速阶段,指向远离电荷位置。最后,但并非最不重要的是,当相对论波印廷通量的领先球面前沿在较大的时间t向前推进到远处的距离\(r=ct\) 时,电荷也不会落后很远。事实上,这些相对论射束的场,越来越类似于在惯性系中以匀速\(v_0\)运动的电荷场,在该系中场的对流随着电荷的运动而移动。在远区没有其他可以称为辐射的坡印廷流 反过来,电荷完全符合不存在辐射反应,也完全符合强等效原理。
