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The Creation of Branded Content Teams in Spanish News Organizations and Their Implications for Structures, Professional Roles and Ethics
Digital Journalism ( IF 6.847 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2021.1919535
Miguel Carvajal 1 , Iker Barinagarrementeria 1


Over the last decade, top media organizations have restructured their newsrooms and created branded content teams, or studios, devoted entirely to the production of new native advertising formats in order to leverage this business opportunity. The goal of this exploratory study is to analyse how news organizations in Spain implement this strategy and create branded content teams, changing the structure of their newsrooms and shaping the practices and roles of the editors and journalists involved. Semi-structured interviews with professionals (n = 11) who work at news outlets (n = 8) were carried out in order to explain their structural, professional and ethical challenges. The results show that branded content teams can be classified into three organizational models (integrated, autonomous and emerging) and they are usually formed by hybrid professionals, linking commercial, editorial and design practices. The study participants justify the new practice adopting the role of norm entrepreneurs. Despite the warnings and risks, the interviewees asserted that by inserting an appropriate disclaimer in these new formats, credibility and transparency are not endangered. They also believe that sponsored content will become a fundamental pillar for the business models of their news organizations.




在过去十年中,顶级媒体组织重组了他们的新闻编辑室并创建了品牌内容团队或工作室,完全致力于制作新的原生广告格式,以利用这一商机。这项探索性研究的目标是分析西班牙的新闻机构如何实施这一战略并创建品牌内容团队、改变其新闻编辑室的结构以及塑造所涉及的编辑和记者的实践和角色。 对在新闻媒体工作的专业人士 ( n = 11) 进行半结构化采访( n = 8) 是为了解释他们的结构、专业和道德挑战。结果表明,品牌内容团队可以分为三种组织模式(集成、自治和新兴),它们通常由混合专业人士组成,将商业、编辑和设计实践联系起来。研究参与者证明了采用规范企业家角色的新做法的合理性。尽管存在警告和风险,受访者表示,通过在这些新格式中插入适当的免责声明,不会危及可信度和透明度。他们还相信,赞助内容将成为其新闻机构商业模式的基本支柱。
