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The Paradoxes of Religion in Gabrielle Suchon
Early Modern French Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1080/20563035.2021.1924009
Véronique Desnain 1

Gabrielle Suchon’s reliance on religious texts and authorities to support and legitimise the arguments she makes in her two texts Traité de la morale et de la politique (1693) and Du célibat volontaire (1700) has sometimes been perceived as running contrary to its defence of female freedom. Suchon’s use of religious texts will be examined here as a corner stone of her attack on male hegemony and crucial to her argument, which rests in large part on the distinction between divine law and social customs. The article will focus specifically on how Suchon uses the paradoxes and contradictions found in her extensive corpus of references to advance the notion that the subjugation of women is a political strategy to support male power rather than the result of a natural and divinely ordained hierarchy of genders.



加布里埃尔·苏松 (Gabrielle Suchon) 依靠宗教文本和权威来支持和合法化她在两部文本Traité de lamorale et de la politique (1693) 和Du célibat volontaire 中提出的论点(1700)有时被认为与其捍卫女性自由背道而驰。苏颂对宗教文本的使用在这里将被视为她攻击男性霸权的基石,对她的论点至关重要,这在很大程度上取决于神法与社会习俗之间的区别。这篇文章将特别关注 Suchon 如何利用她广泛的参考文献中发现的悖论和矛盾来推进这样一种观点,即征服女性是一种支持男性权力的政治策略,而不是自然而神圣的性别等级制度的结果。 .
