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Exploring Adolescents’ (Non-)Use of Modern Contraceptives in Ghana Through the Lens of the Theory of Gender and Power
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-021-01914-z
Sylvia Esther Gyan 1 , Stephanie Marhefka-Day 2

Despite the benefits of modern contraceptives, its usage is low among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on the theory of gender and power, this study explored adolescents’ (non-)use of contraceptives in the context of their sexual and reproductive health. Data were collected from adolescents (15–19 years) through focus group discussions as well as through interviews with five key informants. The collected data were investigated through thematic analysis. The study revealed that gender and power influenced adolescents sexual behavior. Both young men and young women engaged in risky sexual behavior, which exposed them to unintended pregnancy. Whereas some young women engaged in risky sexual behaviors due to financial reasons, young men engaged in such behaviors for pleasure. Lack of knowledge about the correct use of modern contraceptives, type of sexual relationship, and cultural norms of adolescent girls’ appropriate sexual behavior influenced the use of contraceptives by adolescent girls. Avoiding pregnancy could be easier for adolescent girls if only they could have easy access to more long-term and reliable contraceptive methods. Education on the need to use condoms during sexual intercourse should be intensified to create awareness about using condoms to avoid sexually transmitted infections in addition to unwanted pregnancy.



尽管现代避孕药有好处,但它在撒哈拉以南非洲的青少年中的使用率很低。本研究基于性别和权力理论,探讨了青少年(非)在性健康和生殖健康方面使用避孕药具的情况。通过焦点小组讨论以及与五位关键知情人的访谈,从青少年(15-19 岁)收集数据。通过专题分析对收集到的数据进行调查。研究表明,性别和权力影响了青少年的性行为。年轻男性和年轻女性都从事危险的性行为,这使他们有可能意外怀孕。一些年轻女性出于经济原因从事危险的性行为,而年轻男性从事此类行为是为了享乐。缺乏正确使用现代避孕方法的知识,性关系的类型和青春期女孩适当性行为的文化规范影响了青春期女孩使用避孕药具。如果青春期女孩能够轻松获得更长期和更可靠的避孕方法,那么她们就可以更容易地避免怀孕。应加强在性交时使用安全套的必要性教育,以提高人们对使用安全套避免意外怀孕之外的性传播感染的认识。
