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Shifting expenditure on food, holidays, and furnishings could lower greenhouse gas emissions by almost 40%
Journal of Industrial Ecology ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13176
Annika Carlsson Kanyama 1 , Jonas Nässén 2 , René Benders 3

This paper investigates how consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions from private households can be reduced. The aim is to quantify opportunities for mitigation through shifting expenditure on food, holidays, and furnishings to less carbon-intensive products and services that are available on the market but not yet mainstream. Two hundred and seventeen analyses of the greenhouse gas emissions/SEK for on-the-market products and services were used for estimating the consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions from an average person, an average single man and an average single woman. The consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions for these households were estimated to be 6.9, 10, and 8.5 tonnes per capita per year respectively; and food, holidays, and furnishings accounted for 56–59% of that. The alternatives to mainstream food, holidays, and furnishings include plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products, locally produced vegetables, second-hand or repaired furnishings, holidaying abroad by train, and “staycations.” Our results show that total greenhouse gas emissions can be lowered by 36–38% by shifting the expenditure on these products and services to less carbon-intensive alternatives without changing the total expenditure. The share of total emissions deriving from food, holidays, and furnishings is reduced to 30–35% after the change. The findings are discussed in the light of goals for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, additional sustainability aspects, the limitations of the study and needs for further research. This article met the requirements for a silver–silver JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges.


转移食品、假期和家具支出可以将温室气体排放量减少近 40%

本文研究了如何减少私人家庭基于消费的温室气体排放。其目的是通过将食品、假期和家具支出转移到市场上可用但尚未成为主流的碳密集度较低的产品和服务来量化缓解机会。对市场上产品和服务的温室气体排放量/瑞典克朗的 217 次分析用于估算普通人、普通单身男性和普通单身女性基于消费的温室气体排放量。这些家庭基于消费的温室气体排放量估计分别为每人每年 6.9 吨、10 吨和 8.5 吨;食物、假期和家具占其中的 56-59%。主流食物的替代品,假期,和家具包括肉类和奶制品的植物替代品、当地生产的蔬菜、二手或修理过的家具、乘火车出国度假和“住宿”。我们的研究结果表明,在不改变总支出的情况下,将这些产品和服务的支出转移到碳密集度较低的替代品上,可以将温室气体排放总量降低 36-38%。改变后,来自食物、假期和家具的总排放量份额减少到 30-35%。根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 二手或修理过的家具、乘火车出国度假和“住宿”。我们的研究结果表明,在不改变总支出的情况下,将这些产品和服务的支出转移到碳密集度较低的替代品上,可以将温室气体排放总量降低 36-38%。改变后,来自食物、假期和家具的总排放量份额减少到 30-35%。根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 二手或修理过的家具、乘火车出国度假和“住宿”。我们的研究结果表明,在不改变总支出的情况下,将这些产品和服务的支出转移到碳密集度较低的替代品上,可以将温室气体排放总量降低 36-38%。改变后,来自食物、假期和家具的总排放量份额减少到 30-35%。根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 ” 我们的结果表明,在不改变总支出的情况下,将这些产品和服务的支出转移到碳密集度较低的替代品上,可以将温室气体排放总量降低 36-38%。改变后,来自食物、假期和家具的总排放量份额减少到 30-35%。根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 ” 我们的结果表明,在不改变总支出的情况下,将这些产品和服务的支出转移到碳密集度较低的替代品上,可以将温室气体排放总量降低 36-38%。改变后,来自食物、假期和家具的总排放量份额减少到 30-35%。根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求 根据减少温室气体排放的目标、额外的可持续性方面、研究的局限性和进一步研究的需要,讨论了这些发现。这篇文章符合银银的要求JIE数据开放徽章在 http://jie.click/badges 中描述。