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The Illegality of ‘Genuine’ Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention
European Journal of International Law ( IF 1.734 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1093/ejil/chab038
Kevin Jon Heller 1, 2

The activation of the crime of aggression at the International Criminal Court has renewed interest in one of the oldest and most fraught questions of the jus ad bellum: whether a state is entitled to unilaterally use force on the territory of another state for humanitarian purposes. Scholars who support unilateral humanitarian intervention (UHI) generally make two interrelated claims. The first is positivist: that unilateral intervention is lawful if it is genuinely intended to end mass atrocity. The second is normative: that genuinely humanitarian unilateral intervention should be lawful because, in the right circumstances, it can serve as an effective mechanism for protecting civilians from harm. In this article, I criticize both claims. I begin by arguing that, from a positivist perspective, even genuinely humanitarian unilateral intervention violates the prohibition of the use of force and qualifies as a criminal act of aggression. I then argue that the historical record undermines the normative attractiveness of UHI because it is extremely difficult to find an actual example of a unilateral intervention motivated primarily by humanitarian concerns, especially one that improved the humanitarian situation in the territorial state. Finally, I conclude by arguing that the basic effect of insisting on the legality of UHI is to weaken one of the few clear prohibitions in international law for no discernible benefit, making the desire to decriminalize such intervention a well-meaning equivalent to the notorious ticking time-bomb scenario.



国际刑事法院对侵略罪的启动重新引起了人们对诉诸战争法中最古老、最令人担忧的问题之一的兴趣:一个国家是否有权出于人道主义目的在另一个国家的领土上单方面使用武力。支持单边人道主义干预 (UHI) 的学者通常提出两个相互关联的主张。第一个是实证主义:如果单方面干预真正旨在结束大规模暴行,那么它是合法的。第二个是规范性的:真正的人道主义单方面干预应该是合法的,因为在适当的情况下,它可以作为保护平民免受伤害的有效机制。在这篇文章中,我批评了这两种说法。我首先论证,从实证主义的角度来看,即使是真正的人道主义单方面干预也违反了禁止使用武力的规定,并被定性为侵略的犯罪行为。然后,我认为历史记录削弱了 UHI 的规范吸引力,因为很难找到主要出于人道主义考虑的单方面干预的实际例子,尤其是改善领土国家人道主义状况的例子。最后,我认为坚持 UHI 合法性的基本效果是削弱国际法中为数不多的明确禁令之一,没有明显的好处,使这种干预合法化的愿望与臭名昭著的滴答作响相当定时炸弹场景。然后,我认为历史记录削弱了 UHI 的规范吸引力,因为很难找到主要出于人道主义考虑的单方面干预的实际例子,尤其是改善领土国家人道主义状况的例子。最后,我认为坚持 UHI 合法性的基本效果是削弱国际法中为数不多的明确禁令之一,没有明显的好处,使这种干预合法化的愿望与臭名昭著的滴答作响相当定时炸弹场景。然后,我认为历史记录削弱了 UHI 的规范吸引力,因为很难找到主要出于人道主义考虑的单方面干预的实际例子,尤其是改善领土国家人道主义状况的例子。最后,我认为坚持 UHI 合法性的基本效果是削弱国际法中为数不多的明确禁令之一,没有明显的好处,使这种干预合法化的愿望与臭名昭著的滴答作响相当定时炸弹场景。尤其是改善了领土国家的人道主义局势。最后,我认为坚持 UHI 合法性的基本效果是削弱国际法中为数不多的明确禁令之一,没有明显的好处,使这种干预合法化的愿望与臭名昭著的滴答作响相当定时炸弹场景。尤其是改善了领土国家的人道主义局势。最后,我认为坚持 UHI 合法性的基本效果是削弱国际法中为数不多的明确禁令之一,没有明显的好处,使这种干预合法化的愿望与臭名昭著的滴答作响相当定时炸弹场景。