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Features of Direct Instruction: Content Analysis
Behavior Analysis in Practice Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s40617-021-00617-0
Timothy A Slocum 1 , Kristen R Rolf 1

The goal of Direct Instruction (DI) is to teach content as effectively and efficiently as possible. To do this, instructional designers must identify generative relations or strategies that allow the learner to respond correctly to untaught situations. The purpose of content analysis is to identify generative relations in the domain to be taught and arrange the content in such a way that it supports maximally generative instruction. This article explains the role of content analysis in developing DI programs and provides examples and nonexamples of content analysis in five content domains: spelling, basic arithmetic facts, earth science, basic language, and narrative language. It includes a brief sketch of a general methods of conducting a content analysis. It concludes that content analysis is the foundation upon which generative instruction is built and that instructional designers could produce more effective, efficient, and powerful programs by attending explicitly and carefully to content analysis.



直接教学 (DI) 的目标是尽可能有效地教授内容。为此,教学设计者必须确定生成关系或策略,以使学习者能够正确地对未受教的情况做出反应。内容分析的目的是识别要教授的领域中的生成关系,并以支持最大生成教学的方式安排内容。本文解释了内容分析在开发 DI 程序中的作用,并在五个内容领域提供了内容分析的示例和非示例:拼写、基本算术事实、地球科学、基本语言和叙述语言。它包括进行内容分析的一般方法的简要概述。
