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A predictive model of synergetic particulate-SO3 removal in ultralow cold-side electrostatic precipitators
Journal of Aerosol Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2021.105850
Lu Duan 1, 2 , Qian Huang 3 , Renshan Ji 1, 3 , Shuiqing Li 3

In this paper, a comprehensive predictive model is established for the synergetic removal of fine particulate matter (PM) and SO3 in the ultralow cold-side electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Based on the population balance model framework, the current model incorporates SO3 condensation and coagulation in the low temperature economizer (LTE), as well as the quasi-1D dynamics of particle charging, migration, resuspension and deposition in the multi-staged ESP. Simplifications are made so that the resulting model can serve as a convenient software tool aiding the design and operation evaluation of the ultralow cold-side ESP. The model is validated against measurements of two coal-fired units with varied LTE outlet temperatures. In all cases, the predicted PM and SO3 emissions escaping the ESP agree well with the test data, and the relative errors are less than 17%. Quantitatively, running LTE removes ~60% of ultrafine PM0.1, and 80–95% of SO3 condense onto the preexisting fly ash in the LTE, resulting in a dp2 -dependence of sulfur content in the size-segregated ash particles. Notably, the emitted PM1, PM10 and SO3 concentrations are largely reduced with lower LTE outlet temperatures; however, this promoting effect becomes marginal if further reducing the LTE outlet temperature under 100 °C. Finally, we conclude from a parametric analysis that the most important factor in the ultralow cold-side ESP is the flow residence time in the ESP, followed by the effects of intensified coagulation and elevated ash permittivity.


超低冷侧静电除尘器协同去除颗粒物-SO 3 的预测模型

本文建立了超低冷侧静电除尘器(ESP)协同去除细颗粒物(PM)和SO 3的综合预测模型。当前模型基于种群平衡模型框架,结合了低温省煤器 (LTE) 中的SO 3冷凝和凝结,以及多级 ESP 中粒子充电、迁移、再悬浮和沉积的准一维动力学。简化后的模型可以作为一个方便的软件工具,帮助超低冷侧 ESP 的设计和运行评估。该模型针对具有不同 LTE 出口温度的两台燃煤机组的测量进行了验证。在所有情况下,预测的 PM 和 SO 3ESP 逸出的排放量与试验数据吻合较好,相对误差小于 17%。从数量上讲,运行 LTE 可去除约 60% 的超细 PM 0.1,并且 80-95% 的 SO 3凝结在 LTE 中预先存在的飞灰上,导致d-2-尺寸分离的灰颗粒中硫含量的依赖性。值得注意的是,随着LTE出口温度的降低,排放的PM 1、PM 10和SO 3浓度大大降低;然而,如果进一步将 LTE 出口温度降低到 100 °C 以下,这种促进作用就会变得微不足道。最后,我们从参数分析得出结论,超低冷侧 ESP 中最重要的因素是 ESP 中的流动停留时间,其次是强化混凝和提高灰介电常数的影响。
