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Efficient Authentication for Internet of Things Devices in Information Management Systems
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ( IF 2.146 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/9921036
Xiaofeng Wu 1 , Fangyuan Ren 2, 3 , Yiming Li 2 , Zhenwei Chen 2 , Xiaoling Tao 4

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, it has been widely used in various fields. IoT device as an information collection unit can be built into an information management system with an information processing and storage unit composed of multiple servers. However, a large amount of sensitive data contained in IoT devices is transmitted in the system under the actual wireless network environment will cause a series of security issues and will become inefficient in the scenario where a large number of devices are concurrently accessed. If each device is individually authenticated, the authentication overhead is huge, and the network burden is excessive. Aiming at these problems, we propose a protocol that is efficient authentication for Internet of Things devices in information management systems. In the proposed scheme, aggregated certificateless signcryption is used to complete mutual authentication and encrypted transmission of data, and a cloud server is introduced to ensure service continuity and stability. This scheme is suitable for scenarios where large-scale IoT terminal devices are simultaneously connected to the information management system. It not only reduces the authentication overhead but also ensures the user privacy and data integrity. Through the experimental results and security analysis, it is indicated that the proposed scheme is suitable for information management systems.


