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The Case for the Wasteocene
Environmental History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-14 , DOI: 10.1093/envhis/emab014.003
Marco Armiero

Indeed, I am guilty. I am, as Iris Borowy notes in her introduction to this forum, among those who have pointed mainly to capitalism when speaking of toxicity.1 I have argued that (necro-)capitalism reproduces itself through the contamination of people and places. In other words, the making of a toxic world is not an unwanted side effect of capitalism but, rather, its very way of functioning. With Federico Demaria and Giacomo D’Alisa, I also believe that capitalism is producing accumulation by contamination.2 To be more specific, I have written that racial capitalism, rooted as it is...



确实,我有罪。正如 Iris Borowy 在她对这个论坛的介绍中指出的那样,我是那些在谈到毒性时主要指向资本主义的人之一。1我曾论证过,(死)资本主义通过对人和地方的污染来自我复制。换句话说,制造一个有毒的世界并不是资本主义的副作用,而是它的运作方式。与 Federico Demaria 和 Giacomo D'Alisa 一样,我也相信资本主义正在通过污染产生积累。2更具体地说,我已经写过种族资本主义,它的根基是……