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Factors associated with colostrum consumption in neonatal piglets
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104630
Patthawan Juthamanee 1 , Padet Tummaruk 1

Insufficient colostrum consumption within 24 h after birth is a major problem, causing an increased neonatal piglet mortality. The aims of the present study were to determine the risk factors associated with colostrum consumption by neonatal piglets and the proportion of piglets that had inadequate colostrum from hyper-prolific sows. In total, 861 live-born piglets from 59 Danish Landrace × Yorkshire crossbred sows (parities 1–6), farrowed naturally, were included in the study. The sow characteristics recorded included farrowing duration, total number of piglets born (TB), number of piglets born alive (BA), number of stillborn piglets (SB) and number of mummified foetuses (MM) per litter. Individual piglet data were recorded during delivery, including the time of birth, individual birth weight before colostrum ingestion and body weight at 24 h postpartum. Cumulative birth interval of the piglets was classified into six groups: <1.0, 1.0–1.9, 2.0–2.9, 3.0–3.9, 4.0–4.9 and ≥5.0 h. Birth weight of the piglets was classified into four groups: <800, 800–999, 1000–1299 and ≥1300 g. The BA was classified into three groups: 7–13, 14–17 and ≥18 piglets per litter. Colostrum consumption of the piglets was estimated and compared among groups of associated factors. On average, piglet colostrum consumption was 416 ± 176 g. Of all piglets, 26.6% had colostrum consumption of <300 g. Factors correlated negatively with the piglet colostrum consumption included TB (r = –0.144, P < 0.001), BA (r = –0.121, P < 0.001), SB (r = –0.092, P = 0.009) and cumulative birth interval (r = –0.115, P < 0.001). On the other hand, factors positively correlated with the piglet colostrum consumption included body weight at birth (r = 0.250, P < 0.001), body weight gain (r = 0.927, P < 0.001) and rectal temperature at 24 h of postnatal life (r = 0.200, P < 0.001). The proportion of piglets that had inadequate colostrum (< 300 g) in litters of 7–13 was lower than in litters of ≥18 (13.2% and 33.1%, respectively, P = 0.002). The effect of litter size on piglet colostrum consumption was not significant in piglets with birth weights of ≥1300 g (P > 0.05) or 1000–1299 g (P > 0.05) but was more pronounced in piglets with low birth weight (P < 0.05). In conclusion, body weight at birth, cumulative birth interval and litter size were significant risk factors affecting piglet colostrum consumption.



出生后 24 小时内初乳摄入不足是一个主要问题,导致新生仔猪死亡率增加。本研究的目的是确定与新生仔猪食用初乳相关的风险因素以及高产母猪初乳不足的仔猪比例。该研究总共包括来自 59 头丹麦长白 × 约克夏杂交母猪(1-6 胎)的 861 头活产仔猪,这些母猪是自然分娩的。记录的母猪特征包括分娩持续时间、出生仔猪总数 (TB)、活产仔猪数 (BA)、死产仔猪数 (SB) 和每窝木乃伊胎数 (MM)。在分娩过程中记录个体仔猪数据,包括出生时间、摄入初乳前的个体出生体重和产后 24 小时的体重。仔猪的累积出生间隔分为六组:<1.0、1.0-1.9、2.0-2.9、3.0-3.9、4.0-4.9和≥5.0 h。仔猪出生体重分为四组:<800、800-999、1000-1299和≥1300 g。BA 分为三组:每窝 7-13、14-17 和 ≥18 头仔猪。估计仔猪的初乳消耗量并在相关因素组之间进行比较。平均而言,仔猪初乳消耗量为 416 ± 176 克。在所有仔猪中,26.6% 的仔猪初乳消耗量 <300 克。与仔猪初乳消耗量呈负相关的因素包括结核病(仔猪出生体重分为四组:<800、800-999、1000-1299和≥1300 g。BA 分为三组:每窝 7-13、14-17 和 ≥18 头仔猪。估计仔猪的初乳消耗量并在相关因素组之间进行比较。平均而言,仔猪初乳消耗量为 416 ± 176 克。在所有仔猪中,26.6% 的仔猪初乳消耗量 <300 克。与仔猪初乳消耗量呈负相关的因素包括结核病(仔猪出生体重分为四组:<800、800-999、1000-1299和≥1300 g。BA 分为三组:每窝 7-13、14-17 和 ≥18 头仔猪。估计仔猪的初乳消耗量并在相关因素组之间进行比较。平均而言,仔猪初乳消耗量为 416 ± 176 克。在所有仔猪中,26.6% 的仔猪初乳消耗量 <300 克。与仔猪初乳消耗量呈负相关的因素包括结核病(300克。与仔猪初乳消耗量呈负相关的因素包括结核病(300克。与仔猪初乳消耗量呈负相关的因素包括结核病(r  = –0.144, P  < 0.001), BA ( r  = –0.121, P  < 0.001), SB ( r  = –0.092, P  = 0.009) 和累积出生间隔 ( r  = –0.115, P  < 0.001)。另一方面,与仔猪初乳摄入量呈正相关的因素包括出生体重(r  =0.250,P  <0.001)、体重增加(r  =0.927,P  <0.001)和出生后24小时的直肠温度(r  = 0.200,P < 0.001)。7-13 窝初乳不足(< 300 克)的仔猪比例低于≥18 窝(分别为 13.2% 和 33.1%,P  = 0.002)。产仔数对仔猪初乳消耗量的影响在≥1300 g(P  > 0.05)或1 000-1 299 g(P  > 0.05)的仔猪中不显着,但在低出生体重仔猪中更为显着(P  < 0.05) )。总之,出生体重、累积出生间隔和窝产仔数是影响仔猪初乳摄入量的重要危险因素。
