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Response reduction and stimulus pre-exposure effects in a human conditioning method.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1037/xan0000268
James Byron Nelson 1 , Maria Del Carmen Sanjuan 1 , Javier Duran 1 , Rocio Angulo 2

Two experiments with humans determined whether reduced conditioning following pre-exposure to the conditioned stimulus could be explained by conditioned inhibition (Experiment 1 [E1]) or extinction of responding that the conditioned stimulus (CS) might elicit during pre-exposure (Experiment 2 [E2]). In a video game task (Nelson et al., 2014), participants learned to respond to lights that signaled attacking spaceships. In E1, a red light was either pre-exposed or not pre-exposed between groups prior to conditioning with a green light. Summation tests of red combined with green produced no evidence of conditioned inhibition. In E2, participants received either no pre-exposure to the light, exposure in the same context in which the conditioning would occur, or exposure in a different context. These conditions were factorially combined with whether the light and spaceship were similar (same color) or dissimilar (different colors). In the similar conditions, the light elicited weak responding during pre-exposure, which extinguished. Such extinction did not occur in the dissimilar conditions. Conditioning occurred more rapidly in the similar conditions than in the dissimilar ones, but both conditions showed an equivalent context-dependent pre-exposure effect. Pre-exposure reduced conditioning regardless of whether it reduced responding prior to conditioning. The data are consistent with animal research (Lubow et al., 1968) showing no relation between responding during pre-exposure and the effects of stimulus pre-exposure. Theories which account for the effects of stimulus pre-exposure are discussed, with the conclusion that the data are most consistent with the ideas presented by Wagner (1981). (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).



两项人类实验确定了在预先暴露于条件刺激后减少的条件反射是否可以通过条件抑制(实验 1 [E1])或条件刺激(CS)可能在暴露前引起的反应消失(实验 2 [E1])来解释。 E2])。在视频游戏任务中(Nelson 等人,2014 年),参与者学会了对发出攻击宇宙飞船信号的灯光做出反应。在 E1 中,在用绿光调节之前,红光在组之间预曝光或不预曝光。红色与绿色相结合的总和测试没有产生条件抑制的证据。在 E2 中,参与者要么没有预先暴露在光线下,要么在条件发生的相同环境中暴露,要么在不同的环境中暴露。这些条件与光和飞船是相似(相同颜色)还是不同(不同颜色)按因子组合。在类似的条件下,光在预曝光期间引起微弱的反应,然后熄灭。在不同的条件下不会发生这种灭绝。在相似的条件下比在不同的条件下发生得更快,但两种条件都显示出等效的上下文相关的预暴露效应。预暴露减少了条件反射,无论它是否减少了条件反射之前的反应。数据与动物研究(Lubow 等人,1968 年)一致,表明暴露前的反应与暴露前刺激的影响之间没有关系。讨论了解释刺激预暴露影响的理论,得出的结论是数据与 Wagner (1981) 提出的想法最一致。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2021 APA,保留所有权利)。