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Exploratory plays of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, NW portion, in deep and ultra-deep waters, Brazilian Equatorial Margin
Journal of South American Earth Sciences ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103475
Carolina A. da Cruz 1 , Helio J.P. Severiano Ribeiro 1 , Ediane B. da Silva 1

A petroleum geology study was carried out at Foz do Amazonas Basin northwest portion, a new exploratory frontier basin on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin. Seismic and well data were interpreted to search similar play of some oil discoveries in correlated basins. The study area is in deep/ultra-deep waters, where the influence of the Amazon Cone is less expressive and 90 km east of Zaedyus oil discovery on Guiana-Suriname Basin. There were interpreted four seismic horizons, four chronostratigraphic intervals, two hypothetical petroleum systems, two exploratory Cretaceous plays, and an estimative of the source rock maturity. The petroleum systems are: Cassiporé/Codó–Limoeiro (late Aptian-Late Cretaceous) and Limoeiro–Limoeiro (Cenomanian/Turonian-Late Cretaceous). The top seismic horizons interpreted are Basement, Albian, Cretaceous, and Middle Miocene, determining four chronostratigraphic intervals: Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Paleocene to Middle Miocene, and Late Miocene to Recent. There were interpreted two Cretaceous plays: Slope to Plain and Deep/Ultra-Deep Waters. The main source rocks are the shales of the Codó Formation (late Aptian) and Limoeiro Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian). The Codó Formation reaches 10% TOC, has Type I kerogen, excellent potential for oil generation, and thermal maturity. The Limoeiro Formation may have 4,4% TOC, Type II kerogen, and very good petroleum potential. The reservoir rocks are Late Cretaceous Limoeiro Formation turbiditic sandstones. The seal rocks are marine shales from Late Cretaceous Limoeiro Formation. The traps are mainly stratigraphic (pinch-out). The migration routes are mainly lateral or, exceptionally, vertical, where the faults are present. The estimated source rock maturity indicates that at least one of them is below the oil window top. It was concluded that there is a great hydrocarbon exploratory potential to this part of the basin, similar to the discoveries that occurred in the correlated basins of the equatorial margins of Africa and South America.


Foz do Amazonas 盆地的勘探区,西北部分,深水和超深水,巴西赤道边缘

在 Foz do Amazonas 盆地西北部进行了石油地质研究,该盆地是巴西赤道边缘的一个新的勘探前沿盆地。地震和井数据被解释以搜索相关盆地中一些石油发现的类似作用。研究区域位于深/超深水域,亚马逊锥体的影响较少,位于圭亚那-苏里南盆地 Zaedyus 石油发现区以东 90 公里处。解释了四个地震层、四个年代地层层段、两个假设的石油系统、两个勘探性白垩纪带以及对烃源岩成熟度的估计。石油系统是:Cassiporé/Codó-Limoeiro(晚 Aptian-晚白垩世)和 Limoeiro-Limoeiro(Cenomanian/Turonian-晚白垩世)。解释的顶部地震层位是基底、阿尔比、白垩纪、和中中新世,确定四个年代地层间隔:早白垩世、晚白垩世、古新世至中中新世和晚中新世至近代。解释了两个白垩纪戏剧:斜坡到平原和深水/超深水.主要烃源岩是 Codó 组(晚 Aptian)和 Limoeiro 组(Cenomanian-Turonian)的页岩。Codó 组 TOC 达到 10%,具有 I 型干酪根,具有极好的生油潜力和热成熟度。Limoeiro 地层可能有 4.4% 的 TOC、II 型干酪根和非常好的石油潜力。储集岩为晚白垩世 Limoeiro 组浊积砂岩。海豹岩是来自晚白垩世 Limoeiro 组的海相页岩。圈闭主要是地层(尖灭)。迁移路线主要是横向的,或者特别是垂直的,其中存在断层。估计的烃源岩成熟度表明其中至少有一处位于油窗顶部以下。得出的结论是,盆地的这一部分具有巨大的油气勘探潜力,
