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Embodied Conversational Agents in eHealth: How Facial and Textual Expressions of Positive and Neutral Emotions Influence Perceptions of Mutual Understanding
Interacting with Computers ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-29 , DOI: 10.1093/iwc/iwab019
Silke ter Stal 1, 2 , Gerbrich Jongbloed 3 , Monique Tabak 1, 2

Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) could engage users in eHealth by building mutual understanding (i.e. rapport) via emotional expressions. We compared an ECA’s emotions expressed in text with an ECA’s emotions in facial expressions on users’ perceptions of rapport. We used a $2 \times 2$ design, combining a happy or neutral facial expression with a happy or neutral textual expression. Sixty-three participants (mean, 48$ \pm $22 years) had a dialogue with an ECA on healthy living and rated multiple rapport items. Results show that participants’ perceived rapport for an ECA with a happy facial expression and neutral textual expression and an ECA with a neutral facial expression and happy textual expression was significantly higher than the neutral value of the rapport scale ($P = 0.049$ and $P = 0.008$, respectively). Furthermore, results show no significant difference in overall rapport between the conditions ($P = 0.062$), but a happy textual expression for an ECA with a neutral facial expression shows higher ratings of the individual rapport items helpfulness ($P = 0.019$) and enjoyableness ($P = 0.028$). Future research should investigate users’ rapport towards an ECA with different emotions in long-term interaction and how a user’s age and personality and an ECA’s animations affect rapport building. Optimizing rapport building between a user and an ECA could contribute to achieving long-term interaction with eHealth.



具身对话代理 (ECA) 可以通过情感表达建立相互理解(即融洽关系),让用户参与电子健康。我们将 ECA 在文本中表达的情绪与 ECA 在面部表情中的情绪对用户的融洽感进行了比较。我们使用了 2 美元乘以 2 美元的设计,将快乐或中性的面部表情与快乐或中性的文字表达相结合。63 名参与者(平均 48 美元 \pm 22 年)与 ECA 就健康生活进行了对话,并对多个融洽的项目进行了评分。结果表明,参与者对具有快乐面部表情和中性文本表达的 ECA 和具有中性面部表情和快乐文本表达的 ECA 的感知融洽度显着高于融洽量表的中性值($P = 0.049$ 和 $ P = 0.008 美元)。此外,结果显示,条件之间的整体融洽关系没有显着差异($P = 0.062$),但对于具有中性面部表情的 ECA 而言,快乐的文本表达显示了对各个融洽项目的帮助性($P = 0.019$)和愉快度的更高评价($P = 0.028$)。未来的研究应该调查用户在长期互动中对具有不同情绪的 ECA 的融洽关系,以及用户的年龄和个性以及 ECA 的动画如何影响融洽关系的建立。优化用户和 ECA 之间的融洽关系有助于实现与电子卫生保健的长期互动。019$) 和愉快 ($P = 0.028$)。未来的研究应该调查用户在长期互动中对具有不同情绪的 ECA 的融洽关系,以及用户的年龄和个性以及 ECA 的动画如何影响融洽关系的建立。优化用户和 ECA 之间的融洽关系有助于实现与电子卫生保健的长期互动。019$) 和愉快 ($P = 0.028$)。未来的研究应该调查用户在长期互动中对具有不同情绪的 ECA 的融洽关系,以及用户的年龄和个性以及 ECA 的动画如何影响融洽关系的建立。优化用户和 ECA 之间的融洽关系有助于实现与电子卫生保健的长期互动。