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Giving priority to race or wealth in peer group contexts involving social inclusion.
Developmental Psychology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1037/dev0001178
Amanda R Burkholder 1 , Laura Elenbaas 2 , Melanie Killen 1

This study investigated children's and adolescents' predictions regarding intergroup inclusion in contexts where peers differed on two dimensions of group membership: race and wealth. African American and European American participants (N = 153; age range: 8-14 years, Mage = 11.46 years) made predictions about whether afterschool clubs would prefer to include a peer based on race or wealth and reported what they personally thought should happen. Between late childhood and early adolescence, European American participants increasingly expected that afterschool clubs would include a same-wealth peer (even when this peer was of a different race) whereas African American participants increasingly expected that the afterschool clubs would include a same-race peer (even when this peer was of a different level of wealth). Both European American and African American participants themselves thought that the clubs should include a same-wealth peer over a same-race peer, and with age, were increasingly likely to reference perceived comfort when explaining their decision. Future studies on the development of racial preferences will benefit from including wealth status information given that, with age, perceived comfort was associated with same-wealth rather than same-race status. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).



这项研究调查了儿童和青少年在同龄人在群体成员的两个维度上存在差异的情况下对群体间包容的预测:种族和财富。非裔美国人和欧洲裔美国人的参与者(N = 153;年龄范围:8-14 岁,法师 = 11.46 岁)根据种族或财富预测课后俱乐部是否更愿意包括同龄人,并报告他们个人认为应该发生的事情。在童年晚期和青春期早期,欧洲裔美国参与者越来越期望课外俱乐部将包括同族同龄人(即使该同龄人属于不同种族),而非洲裔美国参与者越来越期望课外俱乐部将包括同族同龄人(即使这个同龄人的财富水平不同)。欧洲裔美国人和非裔美国人的参与者自己都认为,俱乐部应该包括一个与同种族同龄人相比的同财富同龄人,并且随着年龄的增长,在解释他们的决定时越来越有可能参考感知舒适度。鉴于随着年龄的增长,感知舒适度与相同财富而非相同种族状态相关,因此未来关于种族偏好发展的研究将受益于包括财富状况信息。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2021 APA,保留所有权利)。鉴于随着年龄的增长,感知舒适度与相同财富而非相同种族状态相关,因此未来关于种族偏好发展的研究将受益于包括财富状况信息。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2021 APA,保留所有权利)。鉴于随着年龄的增长,感知舒适度与相同财富而非相同种族状态相关,因此未来关于种族偏好发展的研究将受益于包括财富状况信息。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2021 APA,保留所有权利)。