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Teaching Video NeuroImage: Papilledema and Cavernous Sinus Fistula Caused by Occipital Dural Arteriovenous Malformation in a Patient With Postoperative Laryngeal Cancer
Neurology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-26 , DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000012267
Chaoyi Feng 1 , Qian Chen 1 , Weimin Chen 1 , Jianjun Tang 1 , Xinghuai Sun 1 , Guohong Tian 1

A 67-year-old man complained of red and bulging eyes for 3 months. He was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and his bilateral internal jugular vein (IJV) was resected during the surgery. Ophthalmic examination revealed corkscrew-shaped arterialized conjunctival veins and severe bilateral papilledema. Magnetic resonance angiography revealed malformation vessels near the right sigmoid sinus (Figure). Cerebral digital subtraction angiography revealed an occipital dural arteriovenous malformation (AVM) near the right sigmoid sinus and venous drainage of the brain with a retrograde direction to cavernous sinus, superior/inferior ophthalmic vein, and finally external jugular vein, due to the resection of IJV (Video 1). After the embolization, most of the abnormal flow disappeared (Video 2), with partially improved papilledema on late follow-up. There is a very high probability that the formation of dural AVM is a complication of the neck dissection.


教学视频 NeuroImage:喉癌术后枕部硬膜动静脉畸形引起视乳头水肿和海绵窦瘘

一位 67 岁的男性主诉眼睛发红和肿胀 3 个月。他被诊断出患有喉癌,手术期间切除了双侧颈内静脉 (IJV)。眼科检查显示螺旋状结膜动脉化静脉和严重的双侧视乳头水肿。磁共振血管造影显示右侧乙状窦附近有畸形血管(图)。脑数字减影血管造影显示枕部硬脑膜动静脉畸形 (AVM) 靠近右侧乙状窦和脑静脉引流,由于 IJV 切除,脑静脉回流逆行至海绵窦、眼上/下静脉,最后是颈外静脉(视频 1)。栓塞后,大部分异常血流消失(视频 2),后期随访视乳头水肿部分改善。
