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Depth and Stanley depth of the edge ideals of the powers of paths and cycles
Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.2478/auom-2019-0037
Zahid Iqbal 1 , Muhammad Ishaq 1

Abstract Let k be a positive integer. We compute depth and Stanley depth of the quotient ring of the edge ideal associated to the kth power of a path on n vertices. We show that both depth and Stanley depth have the same values and can be given in terms of k and n. If n≣0, k + 1, k + 2, . . . , 2k(mod(2k + 1)), then we give values of depth and Stanley depth of the quotient ring of the edge ideal associated to the kth power of a cycle on n vertices and tight bounds otherwise, in terms of n and k. We also compute lower bounds for the Stanley depth of the edge ideals associated to the kth power of a path and a cycle and prove a conjecture of Herzog for these ideals.



摘要 令 k 为正整数。我们计算与 n 个顶点上的路径的 k 次方相关联的边缘理想的商环的深度和斯坦利深度。我们表明深度和斯坦利深度具有相同的值,可以用 k 和 n 表示。如果 n≣0, k + 1, k + 2, . . . , 2k(mod(2k + 1)),然后我们给出与 n 顶点上的循环的 k 次幂相关的边缘理想的商环的深度和斯坦利深度值,否则,根据 n 和 k . 我们还计算了与路径和循环的 k 次幂相关的边缘理想的斯坦利深度的下界,并证明了赫尔佐格对这些理想的猜想。