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“In My Eyes He Was a Man”
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-6680218
Shaherzad R. Ahmadi

ABSTRACT:During the Pahlavi period in Iran (1925–79), poor and working-class families were more likely to expect young sons to work to support the household. These boys, in turn, were more autonomous. Middle-class families, on the other hand, protected and controlled boys. Researchers have assumed that religious zealotry was the primary inspiration for boys to enlist in the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88) after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, ignoring the ways in which class inflected boyhood. While religious fervor may have been a motivation for some of the poor and working-class Iranian boys (between ten and fourteen) who enlisted, the expectation that they work took precedence. Moreover, at least some of these boys were eager to participate in war-front masculine homosociality rather than remain in feminized domestic spaces. This study analyzes biographies, census data, newspaper accounts, and original oral history interviews.



摘要:在伊朗的巴列维时期(1925-79 年),贫困和工薪阶层家庭更有可能期望年幼的儿子工作以养家糊口。反过来,这些男孩更加自主。另一方面,中产阶级家庭保护和控制男孩。研究人员认为,宗教狂热是 1979 年伊斯兰革命后男孩参加两伊战争(1980-88 年)的主要灵感来源,而忽略了阶级对童年的影响方式。虽然宗教热情可能是一些入伍的贫穷和工人阶级伊朗男孩(10 到 14 岁)的动机,但对他们工作的期望更为重要。此外,这些男孩中至少有一些渴望参与战争前线的男性同性社会,而不是留在女性化的家庭空间中。