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Who Carries the Water
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7025567
Fatma Belkis , İz Öztat

F ollowing the Gezi Uprising in 2013, we felt the need to learn from grassroots struggles, ongoing since 1998, against the construction of small hydroelectric power plants (SHPs) on rivers in numerous valleys of Anatolia. The attempt by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government to destroy Gezi Park and the occupation that followed made clear the widespread impact of construction-led growth policies in urban and rural contexts. The anti-SHP movement’s slogan is “Rivers will flow free,”which resonatedwith us as a radical desire for the right to life of all beings.The slogan voices ademand for the agencyof rivers andchallenges state and corporate decisions to control their courses with pipes, dams, and dredging. Thegrassroots struggle against SHPs coincideswith legislation that allows the leasing of water-use rights in rivers to private energy companies for at least fortynine years. Following the privatization “the AKP government launched an aggressive programme” whose goal was building “2,000 small (and large) hydropower plants by 2023, the centennial of theTurkishRepublic” (Erensu andKaraman2017, 14). Governments, corporations, and banks frame SHPs as renewable energy production solutions that facilitate “development,” but in Turkey, as in many other places, their implementation involves removing the water from its bed and running



在 2013 年的格孜起义之后,我们感到有必要从 1998 年以来一直在进行的基层斗争中学习,反对在安纳托利亚众多山谷的河流上建设小型水力发电厂 (SHP)。正义与发展党 (AKP) 政府企图摧毁格子公园和随后的占领,清楚地表明了以建设为主导的增长政策在城乡背景下的广泛影响。反小水电运动的口号是“河流将自由流动”,这与我们产生共鸣,是对所有生物生命权的激进愿望。该口号表达了对河流机构的需求,并挑战国家和企业用管道控制河道的决定,大坝和疏浚。基层反对小水电的斗争恰逢立法允许将河流用水权出租给私营能源公司至少 49 年。私有化之后,“正义与发展党政府启动了一项积极的计划”,其目标是到 2023 年,即土耳其共和国成立一百周年,建造“2,000 座小型(和大型)水电站”(Erensu and Karaman2017, 14)。政府、公司和银行将小水电视为促进“发展”的可再生能源生产解决方案,但在土耳其,与许多其他地方一样,它们的实施涉及将水从河床中取出并运行 土耳其共和国一百周年”(Erensu and Karaman2017, 14)。政府、公司和银行将小水电视为促进“发展”的可再生能源生产解决方案,但在土耳其,与许多其他地方一样,它们的实施涉及将水从河床中取出并运行 土耳其共和国一百周年”(Erensu and Karaman2017, 14)。政府、公司和银行将小水电视为促进“发展”的可再生能源生产解决方案,但在土耳其,与许多其他地方一样,它们的实施涉及将水从河床中取出并运行