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Composing Egypt: Reading, Writing, and the Emergence of a Modern Nation, 1870–1930
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7025497
Mona L. Russell

ComposingEgyptbuilds on scholarship published in the last threedecades onnationalism, the press, education, gender, popular culture, and technology. While two or even three of these fields have intersected in previous studies, Hoda Yousef skillfully weaves all these threads together through the notion of gendered public literacies, broadening the definition of literacy to include all access to thewrittenword. Yousef ’s understanding of where andhowEgyptians learned to reador consume literature secondhandbegins, nevertheless, by critically examining the educational system.While earlier studies of education focused on institutions, more recent studies have focused on the role of the British occupation, class, and the gendered uses of power. Building on this foundation, Yousef mines the curriculum and press from the late nineteenth century through the interwar era to understand the power of a new writing genre, the composition (insha). School curriculums broadened the area of writing skills to include writing for the purpose of meeting public demand for the “cultivation of nationalism and loyalty” among students (98). In doing so, they pioneered a movement away from traditional forms of scribal, bureaucratic communication. Gender and class are central features of Yousef ’s work, as these were the two central axes on which debates over literary reform centered. Not only were women seen as “susceptible to themoral dangers of reading,” butmenwere too (62). In 1881 theMinistry of the Interior sought to ban all books “harmful to the intellect” (62). Barriers to reading or accessing these potentially harmful books were not unsurmountable, however.Women of high social class and good moral character broke or reformulated cultural boundaries through new literary practices. They entered the masculine space of publishing by participating in the women’s press and by issuing poetry and autobiographies.



ComposingEgypt 建立在过去三年关于民族主义、新闻、教育、性别、流行文化和技术的学术研究的基础上。虽然其中两个甚至三个领域在之前的研究中已经交叉,但 Hoda Yousef 通过性别公共素养的概念巧妙地将所有这些线索编织在一起,扩大了素养的定义,包括所有对书面文字的访问。然而,优素福对埃及人在何处以及如何学习阅读或消费文学二手书的理解是通过批判性地审查教育系统开始的。虽然早期的教育研究侧重于机构,但最近的研究侧重于英国职业、阶级和性别化的作用。权力的使用。在此基础上,Yousef 挖掘了从 19 世纪后期到两次世界大战之间的课程和出版社,以了解一种新的写作体裁——作文 (insha) 的力量。学校课程扩大了写作技能的领域,包括为了满足学生对“培养民族主义和忠诚度”的公众需求而写作(98)。在这样做的过程中,他们开创了一种远离传统形式的抄写和官僚交流的运动。性别和阶级是优素福作品的核心特征,因为这是关于文学改革的辩论的两个中心轴。不仅女性被视为“容易受到阅读的道德危险”,而且男性也是(62)。1881 年,内政部试图禁止所有“对智力有害”的书籍(62)。然而,阅读或获取这些潜在有害书籍的障碍并非不可克服。社会地位高、品德良好的女性通过新的文学实践打破或重新制定了文化界限。他们通过参与女性出版社和出版诗歌和自传进入了男性化的出版领域。