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Women under and against the Occupation
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7720725
Amalia Saʾar

Space and Mobility in Palestine. Julie Peteet. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017. 239 pages. ISBN 9780253025111 No Place for Grief : Martyrs, Prisoners, and Mourning in Contemporary Palestine. Lotte Buch Segal. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. 211 pages. ISBN 9780812248210 Women, Reconciliation, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Road Not Yet Taken. Giulia Daniele. London: Routledge, 2014. 179 pages. ISBN 9780520285262 Sustaining Conflict: Apathy and Domination in Israel-Palestine. Katherine Natanel. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016. 252 pages. ISBN 9780520285262



巴勒斯坦的空间和流动性。朱莉·皮特。布卢明顿:印第安纳大学出版社,2017 年。239 页。ISBN 9780253025111 悲伤无处:当代巴勒斯坦的殉道者、囚犯和哀悼。乐天布赫西格尔。费城:宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2016 年。211 页。ISBN 9780812248210 妇女、和解和以巴冲突:尚未走的路。朱莉娅·丹尼尔。伦敦:劳特利奇,2014 年。179 页。ISBN 9780520285262 持续冲突:以色列-巴勒斯坦的冷漠和统治。凯瑟琳·纳塔内尔。伯克利:加州大学出版社,2016 年。252 页。ISBN 9780520285262