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Anticolonial Colonialism
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7720669
Monica Lindsay-Perez

abstract:Between 1931 and 1936 the democratic Spanish government overthrew the monarchy and established the Second Spanish Republic. It was a volatile period for Spanish-Moroccan relations. Fascists were in favor of the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco, whereas Republicans were typically against it. Aurora Bertrana (1892–1974) was a Republican Catalan writer who moved to Morocco in 1935 to write about Muslim women living under the Spanish Protectorate. A close examination of her novel El Marroc sensual i fanàtic (1935) reveals an anticolonialism based on her preoccupation with Spanish nationalist dignity rather than with Moroccan independence. Instead of concluding that Spain's colonization of Morocco is not good, Bertrana concludes that it is not good enough. Her writing perpetuates centuries-old Spanish Orientalist stereotypes, thus complicating the glorified history of Spanish Republican anticolonialism and feminism in the 1930s.



摘要:1931年至1936年间,民主的西班牙政府推翻了君主制,建立了西班牙第二共和国。这是西班牙与摩洛哥关系动荡的时期。法西斯主义者支持西班牙摩洛哥保护国,而共和党人通常反对它。Aurora Bertrana (1892–1974) 是一位共和党加泰罗尼亚作家,她于 1935 年移居摩洛哥,撰写关于生活在西班牙保护国之下的穆斯林妇女的文章。仔细研究她的小说 El Marroc sensual i fanàtic (1935) 揭示了一种基于她对西班牙民族主义尊严而非摩洛哥独立的关注的反殖民主义。Bertrana 并没有得出西班牙对摩洛哥的殖民化不好的结论,而是得出的结论是它不够好。她的作品延续了数百年的西班牙东方主义刻板印象,