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From the Editor
Public Works Management & Policy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1177/1087724x211033379
Richard G. Little

As this is being written, the nation is still waiting for the legislative package that would address the country’s long-standing infrastructure needs. The fact that such a bill does not yet exist as the U.S. Congress prepares to leave the Capitol for Summer recess underscores the difficulties inherent in such a massive undertaking. In the last issue of PWMP, we addressed the question of whether the U.S. needed a “national infrastructure policy.” A more germane question in these contentious times may be how the nation’s law makers come together to do what a majority of the nation says they need and want. Perhaps only time will tell.



在撰写本文时,该国仍在等待解决该国长期基础设施需求的立法方案。在美国国会准备离开国会大厦参加夏季休会之际,这样的法案尚不存在,这一事实突显了如此庞大的事业所固有的困难。在上一期 PWMP 中,我们讨论了美国是否需要“国家基础设施政策”的问题。在这些充满争议的时代,一个更密切的问题可能是国家的立法者如何团结起来做大多数国家认为他们需要和想要的事情。或许只有时间会证明一切。