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Being moved by listening to unfamiliar sad music induces reward-related hormonal changes in empathic listeners
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-17 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14660
Tuomas Eerola 1 , Jonna K Vuoskoski 2, 3 , Hannu Kautiainen 4 , Henna-Riikka Peltola 2 , Vesa Putkinen 2 , Katharina Schäfer 2

Many people enjoy sad music, and the appeal for tragedy is widespread among the consumers of film and literature. The underlying mechanisms of such aesthetic experiences are not well understood. We tested whether pleasure induced by sad, unfamiliar instrumental music is explained with a homeostatic or a reward theory, each of which is associated with opposite patterns of changes in the key hormones. Sixty-two women listened to sad music (or nothing) while serum was collected for subsequent measurement of prolactin (PRL) and oxytocin (OT) and stress marker (cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone) concentrations. Two groups of participants were recruited on the basis of low and high trait empathy. In the high empathy group, PRL and OT levels were significantly lower with music compared with no music. And compared to the low empathy group, the high empathy individuals reported an increase of positive mood and higher ratings of being moved with music. None of the stress markers showed any changes across the conditions or the groups. These hormonal changes, inconsistent with the homeostatic theory proposed by Huron, exhibit a pattern expected of general reward. Our findings illuminate how unfamiliar and low arousal music may give rise to pleasurable experiences.



很多人都喜欢悲伤的音乐,电影和文学的消费者对悲剧的诉求也很普遍。这种审美体验的潜在机制尚不清楚。我们测试了由悲伤、陌生的器乐引起的快感是否可以用稳态或奖赏理论来解释,每种理论都与关键荷尔蒙的相反变化模式有关。62 名女性听悲伤的音乐(或什么都不听),同时收集血清用于随后测量催乳素 (PRL) 和催产素 (OT) 以及压力标志物(皮质醇和促肾上腺皮质激素)浓度。根据低和高特质同理心招募了两组参与者。在高共情组中,与没有音乐相比,有音乐的 PRL 和 OT 水平显着降低。与低同理心组相比,高同理心的人报告说,积极情绪增加,被音乐感动的收视率更高。压力标记没有显示出任何条件或组之间的变化。这些荷尔蒙变化与休伦提出的稳态理论不一致,表现出预期的一般奖励模式。我们的研究结果阐明了陌生和低唤醒度的音乐可能会带来愉悦的体验。