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Therapeutic prevention of COVID-19 in elderly: a case–control study
GeroScience ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11357-021-00397-z
Frederic Blanc 1 , Cedric Waechter 2 , Thomas Vogel 2 , Benoit Schorr 2 , Catherine Demuynck 2 , Catherine Martin Hunyadi 2 , Maxence Meyer 2 , Denata Mutelica 2 , Nadjiba Bougaa 2 , Samira Fafi-Kremer 3 , Lidia Calabrese 2 , Elise Schmitt 2 , Delphine Imperiale 2 , Catherine Jehl 2 , Alexandre Boussuge 2 , Carmen Suna 2 , François Weill 2 , Alexia Matzinger 2 , Candice Muller 2 , Patrick Karcher 2 , Georges Kaltenbach 2 , Erik Sauleau 1

COVID-19 is a particularly aggressive disease for the elderly as 86% of deaths related to COVID-19 occur in people over 65 years of age. Despite the urgent need for a preventive treatment, there are currently no serious leads, other than the vaccination. The aim of this retrospective case-control study is to find a pharmacological preventive treatment of COVID-19 in elderly patients. One-hundred-seventy-nine patients had been in contact with other COVID-19 patients at home or in hospital, of whom 89 had tested RT-PCR-positive (COVID-pos) for the virus and 90 had tested RT-PCR-negative (COVID-neg). Treatments within 15 days prior to RT-PCR (including antihypertensive drugs, antipsychotics, antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), oral antidiabetics (OADs), corticosteroids, immunosuppressants), comorbidities, symptoms, laboratory values, and clinical outcome were all collected. COVID-pos patients more frequently had a history of diabetes (P = .016) and alcoholism (P = .023), a lower leukocyte count (P = .014) and a higher mortality rate — 29.2% versus 14.4% — (P = .014) when compared to COVID-neg patients. Patients on PPIs were 2.3 times less likely (odds ratio [OR] = 0.4381, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.2331, 0.8175], P = .0053) to develop COVID-19 infection, compared to those not on PPIs. No other treatment decreased or increased this risk. COVID-pos patients on antipsychotics (P = .0013) and OADs (P = .0153), particularly metformin (P = .0237), were less likely to die. Thus, patients on treatment with PPI were less likely to develop COVID-19 infection, and those on antipsychotics or metformin had a lower risk of mortality. However, prospective studies, including clinical trials, are needed to confirm or not these findings.


老年人 COVID-19 的治疗性预防:病例对照研究

COVID-19 对老年人来说是一种特别具有侵袭性的疾病,因为 86% 的与 COVID-19 相关的死亡发生在 65 岁以上的人群中。尽管迫切需要预防性治疗,但除了疫苗接种外,目前没有严重的线索。这项回顾性病例对照研究的目的是寻找老年患者 COVID-19 的药物预防性治疗。179 名患者在家中或医院与其他 COVID-19 患者有过接触,其中 89 人的病毒检测呈 RT-PCR 阳性 (COVID-pos),90 人检测出 RT-PCR-阴性(COVID-neg)。RT-PCR 前 15 天内的治疗(包括抗高血压药、抗精神病药、抗生素、非甾体抗炎药、质子泵抑制剂 (PPI)、口服降糖药 (OAD)、皮质类固醇、免疫抑制剂)、合并症、症状、实验室值和临床结果均被收集。COVID-pos 患者更常有糖尿病 (P = .016) 和酗酒 (P = .023) 病史,白细胞计数较低 (P = .014) 和死亡率较高 — 29.2% 对 14.4% — (P = .014) 与 COVID 阴性患者相比。与未使用 PPI 的患者相比,使用 PPI 的患者发生 COVID-19 感染的可能性降低了 2.3 倍(优势比 [OR] = 0.4381, 95% 置信区间 [CI] [0.2331, 0.8175], P = .0053)。没有其他治疗降低或增加这种风险。服用抗精神病药 (P = .0013) 和 OAD (P = .0153),尤其是二甲双胍 (P = .0237) 的 COVID-pos 患者死亡的可能性较小。因此,接受 PPI 治疗的患者发生 COVID-19 感染的可能性较小,而接受抗精神病药或二甲双胍治疗的患者死亡风险较低。然而,
