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Neko Case and the Molecular Turn
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.1215/10642684-7767809
David Hollingshead

Abstract:Few contemporary artists channel the utopian impulses of the nonhuman turn with more creative energy than Neko Case. In her work, the untraceable movements of poisonous gases, the uncanny desires of tornadoes, and the recalcitrant withdrawal of subatomic particles envision an array of transits, elusions, and exit strategies so often denied to the subjects whose bodies, trajectories, and affective lives are policed by the regulatory cultural and institutional forces endemic to heteronormative biocapitalism, particularly poor and marginalized women. Drawing on recent scholarship in feminist new materialism as well as its critics, this essay considers the implications of these imaginings. On the one hand, the modes of agency that Case's songs invoke frequently entail a circumvention or suppression of specific political interests, making them susceptible to antifeminist and settler-colonialist appropriations; on the other hand, her work potentially offers a vision of the political that refuses to take human action as the inevitable starting point for its theories of power and domination, an increasingly urgent task in an age of ecological catastrophe, when the lives of earth's most vulnerable gendered and racialized subjects are irreducibly enmeshed in precarious planetary networks of biodependencies that include the actions of microbes, tornadoes, and atoms alike. In Case's most original compositions, a reductionist materialism attendant to the agency of the nonhuman complements rather than forecloses an older materialist tradition insistent on antagonism between conflicting interest groups as the motor engine of history and the social.



摘要:很少有当代艺术家能像 Neko Case 一样以更具创造性的能量来引导非人类转向的乌托邦冲动。在她的作品中,有毒气体的无法追踪的运动、龙卷风的不可思议的欲望以及亚原子粒子的顽固的撤退都设想了一系列的过境、逃避和退出策略,而那些身体、轨迹和情感生活经常被拒绝的对象受到异性恋生物资本主义特有的监管文化和体制力量的监管,特别是贫穷和边缘化的妇女。借鉴最近女权主义新唯物主义及其批评者的学术研究,本文考虑了这些想象的含义。一方面,凯斯的歌曲经常引用的代理模式需要规避或压制特定的政治利益,使她们容易受到反女权主义和定居者殖民主义的侵占;另一方面,她的作品可能提供了一种拒绝将人类行为作为其权力和统治理论不可避免的起点的政治愿景,在生态灾难时代,这是一项日益紧迫的任务,当时地球上最脆弱的性别化和种族化的主体不可避免地陷入了不稳定的生物依赖性行星网络,其中包括微生物、龙卷风和原子等的行为。在凯斯最具原创性的作品中,伴随着非人类机构的还原唯物主义补充而不是排斥旧的唯物主义传统,坚持冲突的利益集团之间的对抗,作为历史和社会的发动机。