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Collateral Damage
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/10642684-7275642
Oliver Coates

Abstract:Drone warfare is only the most prominent of a series of social and technological developments leading to remote and abstracted forms of injury and death. In response to Maya Mikdashi and Jasbir K. Puar's connecting of queer theory with "permanent war" in "Queer Theory and Permanent War," the present article examines the way in which queer scholarship can productively engage with non-Western bodies and sexualities. Considering sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, it draws on the work of Puar, Achille Mbembe, and others to argue that the post-9/11 wars represent a major context in which queer theory can help us reexamine conflict, trauma, and embodiment.



摘要:无人机战争只是导致远程和抽象形式的伤害和死亡的一系列社会和技术发展中最突出的一个。为了回应 Maya Mikdashi 和 Jasbir K. Puar 在“酷儿理论与永久战争”中将酷儿理论与“永久战争”联系起来,本文探讨了酷儿学术如何有效地与非西方的身体和性进行接触的方式。考虑到撒哈拉以南非洲和中东,它借鉴了 Puar、Achille Mbembe 和其他人的工作,认为 9/11 之后的战争代表了酷儿理论可以帮助我们重新审视冲突、创伤和体现。