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State of Repression: Iraq Under Saddam Hussein. Lisa Blaydes (Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018). Pp. 376. $35.00 cloth. ISBN: 9780691180274
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820000938
Steven Brooke

entrepot” (p. 135), and the 1973 amendments to the Law of Money and Credit that transformed the Central Bank into a “lender of first rather than last resort” (p. 168). There are some areas in which Safieddine could have further elaborated his arguments. For example, he astutely describes the justifications for and interests driving the banking secrecy legislation but gives no indication of what if any opposition and debate it encountered. Furthermore, Safieddine points to the ABL’s early reports prioritizing “collective advocacy against perceived threats to the sector, both external (state regulation) and internal (union activism)” (p. 89). More could have been said here about the role of labor, and in particular the Syndicate of Bank Employees’ prominent role in the 1950s. Such omissions, however, do not detract from the overall argument nor the profound insights the book advances. Banking on the State is an innovative and groundbreaking contribution to the historiography of Lebanon. It is a treasure for researchers and students interested in the political, social, or economic history of Lebanon as well as financial history and post-colonial state building more broadly. Safieddine puts Lebanon into conversation with regional and global debates on post-World War II history, political economy of development, and the history of economic thought. It will be required reading for historians and other scholars of Lebanon and the Middle East.


镇压状态:萨达姆侯赛因统治下的伊拉克。Lisa Blaydes(新泽西州普林斯顿大学:普林斯顿大学出版社,2018 年)。pp。376. 布 35.00 美元。国际标准书号:9780691180274

转口”(第 135 页),以及 1973 年对货币和信贷法的修订,将中央银行转变为“首选贷款人而不是最后贷款人”(第 168 页)。Safieddine 可以在某些方面进一步阐述他的论点。例如,他敏锐地描述了推动银行保密立法的理由和利益,但没有说明它遇到了什么反对和辩论。此外,Safieddine 指出 ABL 的早期报告优先考虑“集体倡导反对对该部门的感知威胁,包括外部(国家监管)和内部(工会激进主义)”(第 89 页)。关于劳工的作用,尤其是银行雇员辛迪加在 1950 年代的突出作用,这里可以说得更多。然而,这样的遗漏,不要减损本书提出的整体论点或深刻见解。对国家的依赖是对黎巴嫩历史编纂的创新和开创性贡献。对于对黎巴嫩的政治、社会或经济史以及更广泛的金融史和后殖民国家建设感兴趣的研究人员和学生来说,这是一个宝藏。Safieddine 将黎巴嫩置于关于二战后历史、政治经济发展和经济思想史的区域和全球辩论中。黎巴嫩和中东的历史学家和其他学者将需要阅读本书。对于对黎巴嫩的政治、社会或经济史以及更广泛的金融史和后殖民国家建设感兴趣的研究人员和学生来说,这是一个宝藏。Safieddine 将黎巴嫩置于关于二战后历史、政治经济发展和经济思想史的区域和全球辩论中。黎巴嫩和中东的历史学家和其他学者将需要阅读本书。对于对黎巴嫩的政治、社会或经济史以及更广泛的金融史和后殖民国家建设感兴趣的研究人员和学生来说,这是一个宝藏。Safieddine 将黎巴嫩置于关于二战后历史、政治经济发展和经济思想史的区域和全球辩论中。黎巴嫩和中东的历史学家和其他学者将需要阅读本书。