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Evaluative conditioning of established brands: Implicit measures reveal other effects than explicit measures.
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-01 , DOI: 10.1037/npe0000067
Peter Walla , Monika Koller , Gerhard Brenner , Shannon Bosshard

Evaluative conditioning (EC) effects on established liked and disliked brands were measured via self report, startle reflex modulation (SRM), heart rate (HR), skin conductance (SC), and the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Baseline measures were compared with measures taken after 1, 6, and 16 conditioning procedures. The aim was to determine how the different measures are differently sensitive to EC effects. Although self-report indicated conditioning effects already after 1 conditioning procedure and in both directions, the authors believe this to be an artifact due to a regression to the mean effect and thus reject this finding. Similarly, HR and SC did not show any sensitivity to conditioning effects. However, SRM and the IAT revealed significant conditioning effects, but more than 1 conditioning procedure were needed to cause changes. Most importantly, SRM, the only implicit measure of raw affective processing (subcortical), did show a significant EC effect after six conditioning procedures, but only in case of disliked brands turning into more liked brands. Because implicit measures are assumed to be more sensitive to deep subcortical affective processing it is concluded that this level of affective processing is more easily influenced by evaluative conditioning than higher order (cortical) processing levels. The findings are discussed in terms of different aspects of brand attitude (affective and cognitive) that seem to be differently affected by EC. Implications for marketers and advertisers are suggested.



通过自我报告、惊跳反射调制 (SRM)、心率 (HR)、皮肤电导 (SC) 和内隐联想测试 (IAT) 测量对已建立的喜欢和不喜欢品牌的评价性调节 (EC) 影响。将基线测量值与 1、6 和 16 次调节程序后采取的测量值进行比较。目的是确定不同的措施对 EC 效应的敏感程度如何。尽管自我报告表明在 1 次条件反射程序后和在两个方向上已经有条件效应,但作者认为这是由于回归到平均效应而造成的假象,因此拒绝了这一发现。同样,HR 和 SC 对调节效应没有表现出任何敏感性。然而,SRM 和 IAT 显示出显着的调节效果,但需要 1 个以上的调节程序才能引起变化。最重要的是,SRM 是原始情感加工(皮层下)的唯一隐式测量,在六个调节程序后确实显示出显着的 EC 效应,但仅在不喜欢的品牌变成更喜欢的品牌的情况下。因为隐性测量被认为对深层皮层下情感加工更敏感,所以得出的结论是,这种情感加工水平比高阶(皮层)加工水平更容易受到评价性条件反射的影响。调查结果从品牌态度的不同方面(情感和认知)的角度进行了讨论,这些方面似乎受到 EC 的不同影响。建议对营销商和广告商的影响。但只有在不喜欢的品牌变成更喜欢的品牌的情况下。由于隐性测量被假定对深层皮层下情感加工更敏感,因此得出的结论是,与高阶(皮层)加工水平相比,这种情感加工水平更容易受到评价性条件反射的影响。调查结果从品牌态度的不同方面(情感和认知)的角度进行了讨论,这些方面似乎受到 EC 的不同影响。建议对营销商和广告商的影响。但只有在不喜欢的品牌变成更喜欢的品牌的情况下。因为隐性测量被认为对深层皮层下情感加工更敏感,所以得出的结论是,这种情感加工水平比高阶(皮层)加工水平更容易受到评价性条件反射的影响。调查结果从品牌态度的不同方面(情感和认知)的角度进行了讨论,这些方面似乎受到 EC 的不同影响。建议对营销商和广告商的影响。调查结果从品牌态度的不同方面(情感和认知)的角度进行了讨论,这些方面似乎受到 EC 的不同影响。建议对营销商和广告商的影响。调查结果从品牌态度的不同方面(情感和认知)的角度进行了讨论,这些方面似乎受到 EC 的不同影响。建议对营销商和广告商的影响。