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Classical Sociology and the First World War: Weber, Durkheim, Simmel and Scheler in the Trenches
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12456

The war writings of the founding fathers of modern sociology in France (Durkheim) and Germany (Weber, Simmel, Scheler) on the one hand show the legitimization of the geopolitical situation of each country; on the other, they highlight the image of the relationship between individuals (the combatants) and their country. This article considers some lesser-known writings by Weber to highlight his will (which was frustrated) to take part in the war and his efforts to sustain his government and German soldiers injured during the fighting through the organization of the Heidelberg Hospital. Together with some of the foremost French intellectuals of his day, Durkheim created an analysis and communication group that produced pamphlets and newspaper articles which are useful in shedding light on the ambiguous stand of the French sociologist over the war. The article then goes on to consider the works by Simmel, in particular, his ‘Die Idee Europa’, an article in which the war was seen as a turning point in history that might have allowed Germany to lead Europe to a greater future. Scheler, for his part, considered the war as a divine punishment for the whole of Europe. As he had it, the God of love would have granted victory to the nation that proved its boundless willingness to sacrifice itself. The author's conclusion is that, with the exception of Simmel in his Soziologie (1908), the fathers of classic sociology did not offer any significant contribution to understanding the war as a social phenomenon.



法国(涂尔干)和德国(韦伯、齐美尔、舍勒)现代社会学奠基人的战争著作一方面显示了每个国家地缘政治局势的合法化;另一方面,它们突出了个人(战斗人员)与其国家之间关系的形象。本文考虑了韦伯的一些鲜为人知的着作,以强调他参加战争的意愿(这很受挫)以及他通过组织海德堡医院来维持他的政府和在战斗中受伤的德国士兵的努力。涂尔干与他那个时代的一些最重要的法国知识分子一起创建了一个分析和交流小组,该小组制作了小册子和报纸文章,这些文章有助于阐明法国社会学家对战争的模棱两可的立场。然后,文章继续考虑齐美尔的作品,特别是他的“Die Idee Europa”,在这篇文章中,战争被视为历史的转折点,可能让德国带领欧洲走向更美好的未来。谢勒则认为这场战争是对整个欧洲的神圣惩罚。正如他所拥有的那样,爱的上帝会让这个国家获得胜利,证明它具有无限的自我牺牲意愿。作者的结论是,除了齐美尔在他的《社会学》(1908 年)中,经典社会学之父并没有为将战争理解为一种社会现象做出任何重大贡献。一篇文章,其中战争被视为历史的转折点,可能让德国带领欧洲走向更美好的未来。谢勒则认为这场战争是对整个欧洲的神圣惩罚。正如他所拥有的那样,爱的上帝会让这个国家获得胜利,证明它具有无限的自我牺牲意愿。作者的结论是,除了齐美尔在他的《社会学》(1908 年)中,经典社会学之父并没有为将战争理解为一种社会现象做出任何重大贡献。一篇文章,其中战争被视为历史的转折点,可能让德国带领欧洲走向更美好的未来。谢勒则认为这场战争是对整个欧洲的神圣惩罚。正如他所拥有的那样,爱的上帝会让这个国家获得胜利,证明它具有无限的自我牺牲意愿。作者的结论是,除了齐美尔在他的《社会学》(1908 年)中,经典社会学之父并没有为将战争理解为一种社会现象做出任何重大贡献。