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‘Is Still Not the Blood of the Blessed Martyr Thomas Fully Avenged?’ Thomas Becket's Cult at Canterbury under Henry III and Edward I
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.13031
Louise J. Wilkinson 1

In July 1220, the boy king Henry III attended the translation of St Thomas Becket at Canterbury, whereby the saint’s body was transferred from its original tomb in the crypt of Canterbury cathedral to a splendid new shrine in the main body of the church. This article explores the continuing appeal of Becket’s cult at Canterbury for elite ecclesiastical and lay circles in thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century England. It argues that the Englishmen, or holders of ecclesiastical office in England, who were canonised as saints in the thirteenth century were associated with St Thomas and his cult. Drawing on the records of the English royal household and wardrobe, alongside letters and charters, this article then examines the reception of Becket’s cult at the royal court. Although Henry III was more famous for his adult devotion to St Edward the Confessor, Henry and his wife, Eleanor of Provence, still paid their respects to Becket’s shrine at Canterbury. Royal interest in St Thomas of Canterbury, or St Thomas the Martyr, continued, but with added vigour, under Edward I, his wives and his children. Despite St Thomas’s appeal for opponents of the English crown, Becket’s cult remained firmly connected to the English ruling dynasty.


“圣人托马斯的鲜血还没有完全报仇吗?” 亨利三世和爱德华一世在坎特伯雷的托马斯·贝克特崇拜

1220 年 7 月,少年国王亨利三世在坎特伯雷参加了圣托马斯贝克特的翻译,将圣人的遗体从坎特伯雷大教堂地下室的原始坟墓转移到教堂主体中一座华丽的新神殿。本文探讨了贝克特在坎特伯雷的崇拜对 13 世纪和 14 世纪早期英格兰精英教会和平信徒圈子的持续吸引力。它认为,在 13 世纪被封为圣徒的英国人或在英格兰担任教会职务的人与圣托马斯及其崇拜有关。本文借鉴英国王室和衣橱的记录,以及信件和宪章,然后考察了贝克特在宫廷中受到的崇拜。尽管亨利三世以其成年后对忏悔者圣爱德华的忠诚而闻名,但亨利和他的妻子普罗旺斯的埃莉诺仍然向坎特伯雷的贝克特神殿致敬。王室对坎特伯雷的圣托马斯或殉道者圣托马斯的兴趣仍在继续,但在爱德华一世和他的妻子和孩子们的领导下,他们的精力更加充沛。尽管圣托马斯呼吁英国王室的反对者,贝克特的邪教仍然与英国统治王朝紧密相连。