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Political Discourse at the Court of Henry II and the Making of the New Kingdom of Ireland: The Evidence of John's Title dominus Hibernie
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12513

This article examines the term dominus Hibernie to argue that it provides evidence for political discourse at the court of King Henry II (1154-1189). The central argument is that, in 1177, Henry II created a modern twelfth-century kingdom of Ireland out the old-fashioned kingdom that had existed beforehand for his son John. Henry then sought papal approval for his plan so that his son might receive consecration with holy oil for his new kingdom. Approval to have John crowned in the modern fashion was, however, withheld until after the young man’s first visit to his island kingdom in 1185. John, therefore, went to Ireland in that year with all the power of a king, but without being consecrated; those who drew up his documents, therefore, called him dominus Hibernie, a phrase which meant no more and no less than that John was king of Ireland with full plenitude of royal power and authority that belonged to a modern king, merely without – yet – the name of king.



本文研究了 dominus Hibernie 一词,以论证它为国王亨利二世 (1154-1189) 的宫廷中的政治话语提供了证据。核心论点是,亨利二世在 1177 年创建了一个现代的 12 世纪爱尔兰王国,取代了之前为他的儿子约翰而存在的老式王国。亨利随后为他的计划寻求教皇的批准,以便他的儿子可以为他的新王国接受圣油的祝圣。然而,直到 1185 年年轻人第一次访问他的岛屿王国之后,才批准让约翰以现代方式加冕。因此,约翰在那年带着国王的全部权力去了爱尔兰,但没有被祝圣; 因此,起草他的文件的人称他为 dominus Hibernie,