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The Proportion of Stars with Planets
Earth, Moon, and Planets ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11038-016-9482-5
M. M. Woolfson

AbstractEstimates of the proportion of Sun-like stars with accompanying planets vary widely; the best present estimate is that it is about 0.34. The capture theory of planet formation involves an interaction between a condensed star and either a diffuse protostar or a high-density region in a dense embedded cluster. The protostar, or dense region, is tidally stretched into a filament that is gravitationally unstable and breaks up into a string of protoplanetary blobs, which subsequently collapse to form planets, some of which are captured by the star. A computational model, in which the passage of collapsing protostars, with initial radii 1000, 1500 and 2000 au, through a dense embedded cluster are followed, is used to estimate the proportion of protostars that would be disrupted to give planets, in environments with star number-densities in the range 5000–25,000 pc−3. It is concluded from the results that the capture theory might explain the presently-estimated proportion of stars with exoplanet companions, although other possible ways of producing exoplanets are not excluded.



摘要 对类太阳恒星伴行星比例的估计差异很大;目前最好的估计是大约 0.34。行星形成的捕获理论涉及凝聚恒星与弥散原恒星或密集嵌入星团中的高密度区域之间的相互作用。原恒星或致密区域被潮汐拉伸成引力不稳定的细丝,并分裂成一串原行星团,随后坍缩形成行星,其中一些被恒星捕获。一个计算模型,其中初始半径为 1000、1500 和 2000 au 的坍缩原恒星通过一个密集的嵌入星团,用于估计将被破坏以产生行星的原恒星的比例,在星数密度在 5000-25,000 pc-3 范围内的环境中。从结果得出的结论是,捕获理论可能解释了目前估计的带有系外行星伴星的恒星​​比例,尽管不排除其他可能的系外行星产生方式。