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Italian Film Producers and The Challenge of Soviet Coproductions: Franco Cristaldi and The Case of The RED TENT
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01439685.2020.1715598
Barbara Corsi

This article explores the little-known history of Italian-Soviet film productions by means of a close analysis of the production history of one such coproduction, The Red Tent (1969). Produced by Franco Cristaldi’s company Vides and the Russian Mosfilm, and directed by Michail Kalatozov, the film featured an international cast including Peter Finch, Sean Connery and Claudia Cardinale. Centred on the story of Umberto Nobile’s calamitous scientific expedition to the Arctic in 1928, the film was as much a product of the easing of East-West tensions in the Khrushchev era as of the growing networks of collaboration in European and international cinema. Documents from the Cristaldi archive are employed to offer a detailed reconstruction of the film’s production from economic, political, logistical and artistic points of view. The challenges were numerous starting with the need to ensure the cooperation of the still-living Nobile. Filming was interrupted following the Russian invasion of Prague in 1968, but nonetheless it was completed and the film found an international distribution, with the American sale making a crucial contribution to the viability of the project. Although, in contrast to the original intention, no further films were made that followed this production model, The Red Tent constitutes a key example of the creativity shown by Italian producers in forging novel patterns of international production.


意大利电影制片人与苏联联合制作的挑战:Franco Cristaldi 和红帐篷的案例

本文通过对此类合拍片《红色帐篷》(1969)的制作历史的仔细分析,探讨了鲜为人知的意大利-苏联电影制作史。这部电影由弗朗哥·克里斯塔尔迪的公司 Vides 和俄罗斯莫斯科电影公司制作,米哈伊尔·卡拉托佐夫执导,国际演员阵容包括彼得·芬奇、肖恩·康纳利和克劳迪娅·卡迪纳尔。这部电影以翁贝托·诺比莱 (Umberto Nobile) 1928 年灾难性的北极科学探险故事为中心,既是赫鲁晓夫时代东西方紧张局势缓和的产物,也是欧洲和国际电影合作网络不断扩大的产物。Cristaldi 档案馆的文件被用来从经济、政治、后勤和艺术的角度对电影制作进行详细的重建。挑战很多,首先是需要确保仍然活着的 Nobile 的合作。1968 年俄罗斯入侵布拉格后拍摄中断,但尽管如此,它还是完成了,电影在国际上发行,美国的销售对该项目的可行性做出了至关重要的贡献。尽管与最初的意图相反,没有再制作遵循这种制作模式的电影,但《红色帐篷》构成了意大利制片人在打造国际制作新模式方面所表现出的创造力的一个关键例子。美国的销售对项目的可行性做出了至关重要的贡献。尽管与最初的意图相反,没有再制作遵循这种制作模式的电影,但《红色帐篷》构成了意大利制片人在打造国际制作新模式方面所表现出的创造力的一个关键例子。美国的销售对项目的可行性做出了至关重要的贡献。尽管与最初的意图相反,没有再制作遵循这种制作模式的电影,但《红色帐篷》构成了意大利制片人在打造国际制作新模式方面所表现出的创造力的一个关键例子。