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The state-of-the-art: building a positive future for art therapy through systematic research
International Journal of Art Therapy Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2019.1601846
Susan M. D. Carr 1 , Alex McDonald 2

In our previous editorial we considered the history of the journal and the importance of understanding and building on past work and development in order to shape the future of this journal and art therapy research, in a positive, coherent and unified way. To do this we need to make ourselves aware of the current issues facing our clients in terms of funded accessibility, and also the art therapy profession in terms of jobs and livelihoods. The recent Workforce Survey (2018) by the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT), has shown that at the time of the survey only 25% of responding art therapists were in full time employment, with a growing number developing their own practices and becoming self-employed; 10.17% solely self-employed; 17.10% part-time self-employed; 17.53% mixing parttime employment and self-employment (Workforce Survey BAAT, 2018). This demonstrates a level of resilience as a profession to the austerity driven funding cuts of art therapy services. Developing resilience as individuals and as a profession will enable us to create new knowledge and coping strategies that can be brought to bear on the problems we and our clients face. The survey also highlights that there were slightly more responding art therapists working with adults than children: 61.56% working with adults; and 68.00% working with children (Workforce Survey BAAT, 2018). This is in contrast to the lack of parity for child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) compared to spending on adult mental health services in the UK (Office of the Children’s Commissioner [OCC], 2018). In preparation for our forthcoming special issue focusing on art therapy with children – an area for which there is a need for further research on clinical effectiveness (McDonald & Drey, 2018; Regev & Cohen-Yatziv, 2019) and further understanding of the mechanisms of change (Deboys, Holttum, & Wright, 2017) – we discuss the impact of real-term funding cuts on mental health provision for this client group and art therapy in general. It is a challenging time to be an art therapist and the impact on children and young people is particularly concerning. In the UK around three children in every class (one in eight) experience difficulties with their mental health (Government Statistical Service [GSS], 2018). The government has stated that children and young people’s mental health is a priority area and acknowledged that mental health issues often persist into adulthood, leading to individual harm and wider societal costs (DoH & DfE, 2017). However, the rate of progress is slow in some areas and there is a gap between what is provided and what children need with the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) reporting more than 338,000 children referred to CAMHS last year, yet less than a third (31%) receiving treatment within the year (OCC, 2018). In her 2018 briefing, the Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield stated that the current system was:



在我们之前的社论中,我们考虑了该期刊的历史以及理解和建立过去的工作和发展的重要性,以便以积极、连贯和统一的方式塑造该期刊和艺术治疗研究的未来。为此,我们需要让自己意识到我们的客户在资金可及性方面面临的当前问题,以及在工作和生计方面的艺术治疗专业。英国艺术治疗师协会 (BAAT) 最近的劳动力调查(2018 年)表明,在进行调查时,只有 25% 的艺术治疗师是全职工作,越来越多的人发展自己的实践并成为自雇人士; 10.17% 完全自雇;17.10% 兼职自雇人士;17. 53% 混合兼职和自雇(劳动力调查 BAAT,2018 年)。这表明作为一个专业,对紧缩政策驱动的艺术治疗服务资金削减具有一定程度的弹性。培养个人和职业的适应能力将使我们能够创造新的知识和应对策略,以应对我们和我们的客户面临的问题。调查还强调,与成人一起工作的艺术治疗师的回应略多于儿童:61.56% 与成人一起工作;68.00% 与儿童一起工作(劳动力调查 BAAT,2018 年)。这与英国儿童和青少年心理健康服务 (CAMHS) 与成人心理健康服务支出缺乏平等形成鲜明对比(儿童专员办公室 [OCC],2018 年)。为即将出版的关于儿童艺术治疗的特刊做准备——该领域需要进一步研究临床有效性(McDonald & Drey,2018 年;Regev 和 Cohen-Yatziv,2019 年)并进一步了解艺术治疗的机制变化(Deboys、Holttum 和 Wright,2017 年)——我们讨论了实际资金削减对这个客户群体的心理健康供应和一般艺术治疗的影响。成为艺术治疗师是一个充满挑战的时期,对儿童和年轻人的影响尤其令人担忧。在英国,每个班级中约有三名儿童(八分之一)在心理健康方面遇到困难(政府统计服务 [GSS],2018 年)。政府表示,儿童和青少年的心理健康是一个优先领域,并承认心理健康问题往往会持续到成年期,导致个人伤害和更广泛的社会成本(DoH 和 DfE,2017 年)。然而,某些领域的进展速度缓慢,儿童专员办公室 (OCC) 报告称,去年有超过 338,000 名儿童转介至 CAMHS,但所提供的与儿童的需求之间存在差距,但不到三分之一(31%) 在年内接受治疗 (OCC, 2018)。在 2018 年的简报中,儿童事务专员安妮·朗菲尔德 (Anne Longfield) 表示,目前的制度是:某些领域的进展速度缓慢,而且儿童事务专员办公室 (OCC) 报告称,去年有超过 338,000 名儿童转介至 CAMHS,但所提供的与儿童的需求之间存在差距,但不到三分之一(31 %) 年内接受治疗 (OCC, 2018)。在 2018 年的简报中,儿童事务专员安妮·朗菲尔德 (Anne Longfield) 表示,目前的制度是:某些领域的进展速度缓慢,而且儿童事务专员办公室 (OCC) 报告称,去年有超过 338,000 名儿童转介至 CAMHS,但所提供的与儿童的需求之间存在差距,但不到三分之一(31 %) 年内接受治疗 (OCC, 2018)。在 2018 年的简报中,儿童事务专员安妮·朗菲尔德 (Anne Longfield) 表示,目前的制度是: