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Art therapy to reduce burnout in oncology and palliative care doctors: a pilot study
International Journal of Art Therapy Pub Date : 2018-07-24 , DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2018.1490327
Megan Tjasink , Gehan Soosaipillai

ABSTRACT Doctors are frequently exposed to work-related stressors putting them at risk of burnout and affecting patient safety. This has long been recognised in oncology and palliative care staff members, with as many as 70% of young oncologists in Europe reporting burnout. Our objective was to use art therapy, which has been shown to combat the symptoms of burnout, on a cohort of trainee doctors in these high-risk specialities. In this pilot study, an art therapist ran three courses for oncology and palliative care trainee doctors, each comprised of six art therapy sessions. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) was completed pre- and post-intervention and a feedback questionnaire completed at the end of each course. Eighteen participants were recruited. MBI-HSS scores from 14 participants showed that the mean pre-intervention scores of the participants demonstrated burnout. Following the course there were statistically significant improvements in emotional exhaustion (p=< 0.001) and personal achievement (p = 0.011) (removing one outlying participant’s score from the latter). Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with most respondents finding the course ‘very helpful’. The results of the pilot study demonstrated that six weeks of structured art therapy sessions resulted in positive change in our participants.



摘要 医生经常面临与工作相关的压力,使他们面临倦怠和影响患者安全的风险。长期以来,肿瘤学和姑息治疗的工作人员都认识到这一点,欧洲多达 70% 的年轻肿瘤学家报告说倦怠。我们的目标是在这些高风险专科的实习医生队列中使用艺术疗法,该疗法已被证明可以对抗倦怠症状。在这项试点研究中,一位艺术治疗师为肿瘤学和姑息治疗实习医生开设了三门课程,每门课程包括六个艺术治疗课程。Maslach 倦怠清单 - 人类服务调查 (MBI-HSS) 在干预前后完成,并在每门课程结束时完成反馈问卷。招募了十八名参与者。来自 14 名参与者的 MBI-HSS 分数表明参与者的平均干预前分数表现出倦怠。课程结束后,情绪耗竭(p = < 0.001)和个人成就(p = 0.011)(从后者中删除一个外围参与者的分数)有统计学上的显着改善。反馈非常积极,大多数受访者认为该课程“非常有帮助”。试点研究的结果表明,六周的结构化艺术治疗课程为我们的参与者带来了积极的变化。反馈非常积极,大多数受访者认为该课程“非常有帮助”。试点研究的结果表明,六周的结构化艺术治疗课程为我们的参与者带来了积极的变化。反馈非常积极,大多数受访者认为该课程“非常有帮助”。试点研究的结果表明,六周的结构化艺术治疗课程为我们的参与者带来了积极的变化。