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Painting together: how joint activity reinforces the therapeutic relationship with a young person with learning disabilities
International Journal of Art Therapy ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2019.1677732
Sarah Furneaux-Blick 1

ABSTRACT By making art with clients, I have been able to understand how the joint activity is a fertile communication in which the countertransference is experienced and explored. In doing so, the joint activity mirrors the dyadic encounter between parent and child. In this paper, I discuss how working on a joint activity with a young person with learning disabilities enabled a robust relationship to form. The joint activity offered a shared experience on many levels; of being together, a non-verbal communication and felt experience within the here and now. Through this phenomenological approach I could meet the client on her terms at her level; in doing so, helping to address some of the power imbalance inherent when working with a young person with learning disabilities. Within learning disability services there is a need to protect and contain clients. Yet in doing so, we can start from a stance of limitations and infantilisation. The joint activity can offer this containing and protective space that is forged by and with the cooperation of the client. Plain-language summary This paper argues that making art with or alongside a client in art therapy is a form of non-verbal communication that depends on the therapist's understanding of the client's current situation. The back and forth process of working together on a joint activity is much like a conversation as one mark responds to another. By working together, past traumas and experiences can be worked through in a new and positive way that enables the client to have a better understanding of their own emotional well-being. This case study documents how a joint activity can enable a young person with learning disabilities, to develop more confidence and form a stronger sense of self. The art therapy work took place in a state secondary school for pupils with complex and interrelated special educational needs. The young person presented attended weekly one-to-one art therapy for one academic year.



摘要 通过与客户一起创作艺术,我已经能够理解联合活动如何成为体验和探索反移情的丰富交流。在这样做时,联合活动反映了父母和孩子之间的二元相遇。在本文中,我将讨论如何与有学习障碍的年轻人一起开展联合活动,从而形成牢固的关系。联合活动提供了多层次的共享经验;在一起,一种非语言交流和此时此地的感受。通过这种现象学方法,我可以按照客户的水平与她会面;这样做有助于解决与有学习障碍的年轻人一起工作时固有的一些权力不平衡问题。在学习障碍服务中,需要保护和遏制客户。然而,在这样做时,我们可以从限制和婴儿化的立场开始。联合活动可以提供这种由客户并与客户合作打造的包含和保护空间。简明语言摘要 本文认为,在艺术治疗中与来访者一起或与来访者一起创作艺术是一种非语言交流形式,这取决于治疗师对来访者当前状况的理解。在联合活动中一起工作的来回过程很像对话,因为一个标记响应另一个标记。通过共同努力,过去的创伤和经历可以以一种新的、积极的方式来解决,使来访者能够更好地了解自己的情绪健康。本案例研究记录了联合活动如何让有学习障碍的年轻人建立更多的信心并形成更强的自我意识。艺术治疗工作在一所国立中学为具有复杂和相互关联的特殊教育需求的学生进行。出席的年轻人每周参加一学年的一对一艺术治疗。