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State formation and the political economy of India: The Rudolphian paradigm
India Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14736489.2017.1348088
Asha Sarangi

ABSTRACT Lloyd and Susanne Rudolph were world renowned political scientists and iconic academic couple who devoted six decades of their lives to teaching and researching India and South Asia. The liberal-centrist Rudolphian framework is clearly evident in their numerous works. Their writings show the innovativeness and interpretative richness of methodological pluralism questioning the hegemony of western theories and categories. The Geertzian notion of “culture bound” contextualism was central to their ideas on concept formation and “situated knowledge” paradigm. The phrases like “situated knowledge,” “self as other,” “imperialism of categories,” “modernity of tradition”, “living with difference,” and “post-modern Gandhi” provided newer conceptual tools and vocabularies in their writings. Writing within the broader framework of liberal-centrism, they continued to counter generalizations and deepen our understanding about the puzzle of Indian democracy and nature of the Indian state.



摘要 Lloyd 和 Susanne Rudolph 是世界著名的政治科学家和标志性的学术夫妇,他们将他们的一生投入了 60 年的时间来教授和研究印度和南亚。自由中间派鲁道夫的框架在他们众多的作品中显而易见。他们的著作显示了方法论多元主义质疑西方理论和范畴的霸权的创新性和解释的丰富性。格尔兹的“文化束缚”语境主义概念是他们关于概念形成和“情境知识”范式的核心思想。诸如“情境知识”、“作为他者的自我”、“范畴的帝国主义”、“传统的现代性”、“生活在差异中”和“后现代甘地”等短语在他们的著作中提供了更新的概念工具和词汇。在更广泛的自由中心主义框架内写作,