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Continuity and change in Indian grand strategy: The cases of nuclear non-proliferation and climate change
India Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14736489.2018.1415275
Manjari Chatterjee Miller , Kate Sullivan de Estrada

ABSTRACT This article offers an alternative understanding of India’s post-Cold War grand strategy by arguing that policy issues should be treated as a continuum within which there may be strategic policy innovations, leading to both nuanced continuity and change in foreign policy. Our argument stands in contradistinction to the dominant scholarship in the Indian foreign policy literature, the “transformation scholarship” as we term it, which views policy issues as binary, finds a “new” emphasis on material interests since the end of the Cold War and advocates this as both rational and commendable. Applying four key claims in the dominant transformation scholarship to two important Indian foreign policy issues, nuclear non-proliferation and climate change, we find that, rather than sweeping change in Indian grand strategy, as implied and advocated by transformation scholars, Indian grand strategy is in a state of flux, encapsulating some change but also much continuity.



摘要 本文提出了对印度冷战后大战略的另一种理解,认为政策问题应该被视为一个连续统一体,其中可能存在战略政策创新,从而导致外交政策的细微连续性和变化。我们的论点与印度外交政策文献中占主导地位的学术相反,我们称之为“转型奖学金”,它将政策问题视为二元论,自冷战结束以来“新”强调物质利益,主张这既合理又值得称道。将占主导地位的转型研究中的四个关键主张应用于两个重要的印度外交政策问题,核不扩散和气候变化,我们发现,而不是印度大战略的彻底改变,