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Spreading Hindutva through education: Still a priority for the BJP?
India Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14736489.2017.1378481
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ABSTRACT This article explores how the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has pursued its ideology of Hindu nationalism through educational reforms. It pays most attention to the reforms undertaken by the first BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, from 1998–2004. A key argument is that these reforms mirrored BJP’s ideology. The reforms were legitimized with reference to certain challenges facing contemporary Indian society, particularly the threats represented by value degradation and a weakening of indigenous traditions. I view such arguments in terms of sublimating all challenges to the cultural realm. Moreover, these reforms aimed to establish an education system based on a coherent, integrative framework, concurring with the ideological outlook of the BJP. In the final part of the article, I examine the current NDA regime and seek to explain why similar reforms do not appear to be high on Prime Minister Modi’s agenda. By doing so, the article sheds light on the question of Modi’s commitment to Hindu nationalist ideology. A major argument is that to Modi, Hindutva-inspired reforms of the education system collide with the promises made during his electoral campaign and with key elements of the political programs he has initiated so far.



摘要 本文探讨印度人民党 (BJP) 如何通过教育改革追求其印度教民族主义意识形态。它最关注的是 1998 年至 2004 年由人民党领导的第一届全国民主联盟(NDA)政府进行的改革。一个关键论点是这些改革反映了人民党的意识形态。考虑到当代印度社会面临的某些挑战,特别是价值退化和土著传统弱化所代表的威胁,这些改革合法化。我认为这些论点是将所有挑战升华到文化领域。此外,这些改革旨在建立一个基于连贯、综合框架的教育体系,与人民党的意识形态观点一致。在文章的最后部分,我研究了当前的 NDA 制度,并试图解释为什么类似的改革在莫迪总理的议程上似乎并不重要。通过这样做,这篇文章阐明了莫迪对印度教民族主义意识形态的承诺的问题。一个主要论点是,对莫迪而言,受印度教启发的教育系统改革与他在竞选期间做出的承诺以及他迄今为止发起的政治计划的关键要素相冲突。