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Assessment of sorghum production constraints and farmer preferences for sorghum variety in Uganda: implications for nutritional quality breeding
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2021.1944297
Charles Andiku 1, 2, 3 , Hussein Shimelis 1 , Mark Laing 1 , Admire Isaac Tichafa Shayanowako 1 , Michael Adrogu Ugen 2 , Eric Manyasa 4 , Chris Ojiewo 4


Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is the main food staple grain widely cultivated in sub-Sharan Africa including Uganda. There is a lack of current information on sorghum production constraints and varietal trait preferences in the major sorghum production areas in Uganda. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the sorghum production constraints and farmer preferences for sorghum variety in Uganda. A participatory rural appraisal study was undertaken in four selected sorghum production districts in Uganda (Kumi, Bukedea, Oyam and Gulu). Data were collected through surveys using semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussion involving 128 and 55 participants, respectively. Data were subjected to parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses to draw inferences. A lack of improved sorghum varieties was the major sorghum production constraint reported by 82.8% of participants. Farmer preferred ideal sorghum varieties were short to medium plant height with high grain yield. The quality attributes mostly preferred by farmers were baking quality, nutrition, and seed colour. Farmers in the study areas mainly grew unimproved sorghum varieties with low food values. Overall, the study provides the current evidence on sorghum production constraints and farmer-preferred attributes that will guide sorghum nutritional quality breeding with farmer preferred traits.




高粱 [ Sorghum bicolor(L.) Moench] 是在包括乌干达在内的沙拉以南非洲广泛种植的主要主粮。目前缺乏关于乌干达主要高粱生产区的高粱生产限制和品种性状偏好的信息。因此,本研究的目的是评估乌干达的高粱生产限制和农民对​​高粱品种的偏好。在乌干达选定的四个高粱产区(库米、布克迪亚、奥亚姆和古卢)开展了一项参与式农村评估研究。数据是通过使用半结构化问卷调查和焦点小组讨论收集的,分别涉及 128 和 55 名参与者。对数据进行参数和非参数统计分析以得出推论。82.8% 的参与者报告说,缺乏改良的高粱品种是高粱生产的主要制约因素。农民首选的理想高粱品种是矮到中等株高,粮食产量高。农民最喜欢的质量属性是烘焙质量、营养和种子颜色。研究区的农民主要种植食用价值低的未经改良的高粱品种。总体而言,该研究提供了有关高粱生产限制和农民偏好属性的当前证据,这些证据将指导具有农民偏好性状的高粱营养品质育种。研究区的农民主要种植食用价值低的未经改良的高粱品种。总体而言,该研究提供了有关高粱生产限制和农民偏好属性的当前证据,这些证据将指导具有农民偏好性状的高粱营养品质育种。研究区的农民主要种植食用价值低的未经改良的高粱品种。总体而言,该研究提供了有关高粱生产限制和农民偏好属性的当前证据,这些证据将指导具有农民偏好性状的高粱营养品质育种。
