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Temperature-mediated variation in selection on offspring size: A multi-cohort field study
Functional Ecology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-15 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13879
Dustin J. Marshall 1

  1. Offspring size is a key life-history trait that often covaries negatively with temperature. Most studies focus on how temperature alters selection on offspring size during early life-history stages such as embryos or larvae. The degree to which temperature alters the relationship between offspring size and post-metamorphic performance remains unclear as field studies across multiple temperature regimes are rare.
  2. I deployed over 6,000 individuals of known offspring size, into the field across 28 cohorts spanning 4 years for the model marine invertebrate, Bugula neritina and monitored their survival, growth and reproduction.
  3. Offspring size closely tracked the local environmental temperature across cohorts. This offspring size–temperature covariance appeared to be adaptive, at least from the perspective of mothers. When temperatures were warmer, the relationship between offspring size and performance was weak; when temperatures were cooler, the relationship was strongly positive.
  4. The estimates of selection based on maternal fitness differed from those based on offspring fitness, suggesting temperature-mediated parent–offspring conflict over offspring provisioning exists. I also found evidence for temporal autocorrelation in temperature and selection on offspring size.
  5. The fact that temperature affects the relationship between offspring size and post-metamorphic performance further complicates the challenge in understanding the ubiquitous covariance between offspring size and temperature.



  1. 后代大小是一个关键的生活史特征,通常与温度呈负相关。大多数研究集中在温度如何改变早期生命历史阶段(如胚胎或幼虫)对后代大小的选择。温度在多大程度上改变了后代大小和变质后性能之间的关系仍不清楚,因为跨多个温度范围的实地研究很少见。
  2. 我将超过 6,000 名已知后代大小的个体部署到 28 个队列中,为期4 年,用于模型海洋无脊椎动物Bugula neritina,并监测它们的存活、生长和繁殖。
  3. 后代大小密切跟踪各组的当地环境温度。至少从母亲的角度来看,这种后代大小-温度协方差似乎是适应性的。当温度较高时,后代大小与性能之间的关系较弱;当温度较低时,这种关系非常积极。
  4. 基于母体适合度的选择估计不同于基于后代适合度的选择,这表明存在温度介导的亲子冲突对后代供应的影响。我还发现了温度和后代大小选择的时间自相关的证据。
  5. 温度影响后代大小和变质后性能之间的关系这一事实进一步复杂化了理解后代大小和温度之间普遍存在的协方差的挑战。