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Prioritising build back safer messages for humanitarian shelter
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102475
Aaron Opdyke 1 , Zhenwen Wang 1

Humanitarian shelter assistance increasingly employs build back safer messages as a technical assistance tool to disaster-affected communities. We sought to prioritise the importance of key messages for small, light-weight timber shelter using a combination of Delphi and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. A panel of twelve academic and practitioner experts were asked to rank build back safer messages developed in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 which have formed the basis for subsequent humanitarian messages in the Asia-Pacific region. Findings revealed three groups of shelter key messages by importance: (1) bracing and joints, (2) foundations, tie-downs, and roofing and (3) shape. However, there was low consensus among panellists in their judgements of these overall comparisons. The individual structural components used in guidance within each message were also ranked with high consensus among panellists. Our results were consistent with the original message ordering, but expert judgements revealed differing relative structural capacities between components. The resulting numerical weightings and rankings offer clearer guidance on the relative importance of different groups of build back safer messages for non-engineered shelter and housing in low- and middle-income countries. Results may help humanitarian agencies create more targeted messaging to support safer and more durable shelter.



人道主义庇护所援助越来越多地采用重建更安全的信息作为向受灾社区提供的技术援助工具。我们试图使用 Delphi 和层次分析法 (AHP) 方法的组合来优先考虑关键信息对于小型、轻型木材庇护所的重要性。2013 年台风海燕之后,一个由 12 名学术和实践专家组成的小组被要求对在菲律宾开发的更安全信息进行排名,这些信息构成了亚太地区随后的人道主义信息的基础。调查结果按重要性揭示了三组避难所关键信息:(1) 支撑和接头,(2) 地基、系紧装置和屋顶以及 (3) 形状。然而,小组成员对这些总体比较的判断没有达成一致意见。每条消息中用于指导的各个结构组件也在小组成员之间以高度一致的方式进行排名。我们的结果与原始消息排序一致,但专家判断揭示了组件之间不同的相对结构能力。由此产生的数字权重和排名为低收入和中等收入国家的非工程住房和住房的不同群体重建更安全信息的相对重要性提供了更清晰的指导。结果可能有助于人道主义机构创建更有针对性的信息,以支持更安全、更耐用的住所。由此产生的数字权重和排名为低收入和中等收入国家的非工程住房和住房的不同群体重建更安全信息的相对重要性提供了更清晰的指导。结果可能有助于人道主义机构创建更有针对性的信息,以支持更安全、更耐用的住所。由此产生的数字权重和排名为低收入和中等收入国家的非工程住房和住房的不同群体重建更安全信息的相对重要性提供了更清晰的指导。结果可能有助于人道主义机构创建更有针对性的信息,以支持更安全、更耐用的住所。
